
Conquer the Fears, Stresses, and Worries and Embrace Your Summer

Are you determined to make the most of your summer but finding it challenging due to anxiety, fear, and stress about your professional or financial situation- or some other obstacles? 

I understand how these things shadow your aspirations and self-belief, and I'm here to tell you that there's hope and a way forward! We are not the victims of our circumstances.

Yesterday we had our first Zoom in Summer Session, these free complimentary sessions are designed specifically for people who are seeking to reclaim their confidence and overcome stresses and trust the unknown future and themselves- no matter what their situation is!

We addressed the fears head-on, found some practical solutions, and created a mindset that breeds resilience.

Don't let the uncertainties hold you back... watch the first part of the Zoom in session from yesterday You'll discover valuable insights and strategies to turn your summer into a time of growth and success.

Join the next Zoom in Summer sessions and receive personal coaching and solutions in your unique situation. The next complimentary Zoom in session is happening next Friday.

In addition, if you feel you are ready for personal help:

I have reserved a limited number of spots for Integral Harmony hypnotherapy sessions, exclusively for women ready to break free from patterns, and take back control of worries and stresses that hinder their self-belief.

Whether you're dealing with blocks in your business or career, these transformative sessions help you tap into your inner strength and navigate the challenges ahead.

Sign up for your session now, and enjoy special savings if you secure your spot for July (only a few are available so be quick) or then in early September. 

Let this summer be a time of transformation and pleasure.

Embrace the opportunity to conquer the stresses, fears, unleash your creative potential, and thrive through the challenges.

With warm regards,


For a while I thought they canceled the New Year

What are you carrying with you into 2022?

I hope you have stayed healthy, sound, and have had a wonderful time over the holidays!

My holidays didn’t go as planned… all three of us got the new mutation of the coronavirus. 

First my partner, then my daughter. Everyone is doing well. I had symptoms for a week and I had four tests until I got the positive result, just before we were supposed to fly to Switzerland! 

For sure it was a huge disappointment.

But… I’ve grown quite resilient, adaptable and I’m able to see the positive purpose of any issue, so I get on the other side of any challenges or negative emotions fairly quickly.

By the way, I've turned these three strengths from my weaknesses but I still have to be aware of and maintain my personal and energetical boundaries around them.

So this holiday I have focused on resting, recovering and reflecting on the past year. 

Before I got properly sick I got everything ready for Christmas, and I was then able to let go of any requirements, shoulds, and took a break to indulge and eat a lot of food, watch movies, and play with my daughter without any rush.

Taking time off, always works magic. It takes a while to wind down. Like meditation without any intentions and patience, it gives access to deeper insights and knowledge.

I did the yearLY review, which was an insightful and helpful process, and an honest reality check, that helped me see clearly what worked and what didn’t work for me.

Staying stuck leads to frustration, resentment, wellbeing issues– if we don’t have clarity and inner awareness –we can get caught playing small, abandoning our real needs and what’s important for ut.

Without clarity, we can’t see our life, work, issues, or our capabilities, magic, and possibilities clearly.

It’s not always that easy to face the facts and the reality and put them on paper– it would be easier to avoid and hide in the rabbit hole, but if you want to get unstuck and you need to change your situation, it’s necessary.

What we don’t want always indicates what we do want and spending time with all that– what we want – only that leads to changes, courageous baby steps, and big leaps that are always rewarded with great results.

When we dare to follow our inner voice– choose ourselves – and authentic heart-based desires we move on and stay aligned with our truth. 

Which is nothing less than the ultimate force of happiness.

Going through 2021 (and even back to the previous challenging year) showed me that bigger changes need to be done but there were tons of good I also celebrated huge personal revelations and transformation and healing that opens new doors in 2022.

Here are 5 things that I take with me to the New Year (I’m feeling resistant to say these things out loud and I take it as a good sign as I stretch out of my comfort zone):

  • Value and appreciate my time, energy, needs, and efforts unapologetically

  • Accept what is and others as they are

  • Honor and express my boundaries without excuses, shame or guilt

  • Be my vulnerable, good enough, creative self

  • Give myself permission to want what I want & receive it

What about you…

What are you leaving behind?

Does it feel like you need to renew your dreams and desires and allow yourself to have and receive them?

If you need clarity on what you actually want and maybe you know you have to renew the old fainted dreams and goals, so you can rise into your power and fulfill your real and renewed potential and make those ideas real-- the Early Bird to Conscious Creator is closing today by midnight EST. 

Redesign your life and career, connect with your purpose and the big vision and next goals, create a new daily self-care routine, habits, let go of the money blocks and career and heal your inner glass ceilings. The price jumps from $444 to $1111. Sign up here

Much love, Jenni

From dusk till dawn: My first thanksgiving gets dark

We are waiting for the taxis to pick us up. Everyone looks beautiful and glowing.

There’s excitement in the air. We take a lot of pictures. We all have dressed up to celebrate Thanksgiving at Agung’s house who has been organizing our Sunday field trips around Bali and invited all of us, almost 30 people to his house.

I talk with Mirna, whose nickname is magic, for a reason. I admire her gorgeous earrings. They are golden and inside the earrings, there’s a golden Hamsa hand on the emerald green background.

Suddenly she says, “You know what I give them to you. You need to learn how to receive.” I’m astounded and of course, try to humbly say I can’t receive such a generous gift from her. It didn’t say I want them!

She insists and almost hesitates but follows through with her instincts. 

I put the earrings on right away. I want all the protection they can offer for me. They go well with my dress. 

It is my first Thanksgiving ever. 

At the end of November, we are almost at the end of our month-long journey where we gathered together to a retreat to write the first drafts of our novels, memoirs, or scripts. 

The month has been challenging in every way. I got a nasty Bali belly twice. Something you can’t really avoid when you come here, it happened to me on my previous trip too. 

I’ve been going through massive resistance and emotional havoc that has forced me to face my fears. I have struggled with myself but I have shown up for myself and sat down to write my story every day, no matter what.

Mastin’s coaching has been adding to it. On day one he wanted to crack us open and didn’t have to do much to make it happen. I’ve been doing yoga every day, journaling, and meditating to stay centered and grounded.   

I feel transformed and proud of myself, like a whole new person after living three weeks in this weird, healthy, spiritual vegan bubble in Ubud with all these women. 

It was nothing less than I expected. 

The ways the retreat showed up, and how I found Mastin from the USA, and how I knew I needed to follow the strong intuition and come to Bali to write my story and make my hidden dream to become an author real.

I knew my life was going to change, and a whole new portal would open up for me.

It was not the first time I was facing this kind of momentum when my dreams were becoming real so powerfully. It’s always been a bit scary to understand how powerful I am that I can consciously make things happen.

It all had started when I had decided to leave my career and follow my heart, my creativity, and my inner voice. 

Still, coming here had been a big, scary leap to the unknown as following our dreams is.

The sun is setting as we arrived at Agung’s house. It’s a beautiful place, the house is huge. He has born to one of the higher casts which means they have wealth. 

He is giving us an introduction to Balinese culture and Hinduism. 

His daughters perform Balinese dance with those beautiful costumes on. The music, the lights, the stars in the night sky, and their perfect movement make the moment magical. 

Agung’s wife has prepared an American-style Thanksgiving dinner. The table looks glorious, there’s everything, including Balinese delicacies. 

Everyone is so excited and almost emotional about food. We have all missed home, our loved ones and of course, thanksgiving is a huge holiday for Americans. 

TheRE’S big turkey in the middle of the table. Its roasted head is still pointing up to the ceiling.

That’s terrifying, almost disgusting for some people. 

I actually like the way they respect the animal that way-- showing it all and using it all. I’m used to cooking whole chickens and fish so I find some reactions amusing. We all love to close our eyes to reality sometimes. 

After dinner, we make a circle and share what we are grateful for. 

I hate taking the space and getting the attention. I feel so insecure about my accent and especially when I’m sharing personal stuff with others, which makes me emotional and it’s even harder to speak up. I’m in such a raw place, cracked open. 

But I don’t have any other possibilities than doing it. I can’t hide, I have put myself in this situation. This month I’ve been courageously facing challenge after challenge that has mostly been internal.

I say I am grateful for the first Thanksgiving and I am grateful for the experience, the evening, and the people. I finally feel I was belonging and accepted and free to be who I am.

I am grateful to have faith that I am guided in the right direction. My faith muscles have grown during the trip, I feel confident about myself and my unknown future. 

I am grateful for the transition I was going through.

I am ready to leave Finland, as I strongly felt it was time to go forward and I felt strongly that moving to New York was going to happen.

I had left my career a while ago and followed my dreams and passions step by step. 

Before I left Finland I had followed another inner lead and pitched a book for a Finnish publisher. They had offered me a book deal and the negotiations were continuing to after my trip. 

I am beyond grateful and excited about the opportunity of sharing another story and what I had learned about conscious, mindful living.

What I don’t share out loud is that I’m grateful for all the magic, meeting my partner and that we are possibly getting married in two weeks. 

Even that is uncertain and completely dependable on the move. I wonder if we would get married even the moving wouldn’t happen for some reason. It’s a huge step for me and I always thought it would happen differently, maybe in a more special, romantic way. I feel overwhelmed and so nervous making that kind of commitment to anyone.  

We come back to the hotel. It is so dark and raining heavily. 

My partner has sent me an update about his negotiations. Suddenly I feel really anxious, confused, annoyed.

The weird dark energy is taking over. I feel uncertain what are the next best steps for me. 

Can I really trust him? Myself? Us? 

All my dreams are coming real, it feels like it’s too much but also like a reward after all those years of suffering.

Moving to New York would mean I would be financially dependable on him until I would get myself settled, my coaching business set up and running in a new country, where I didn’t know much of anyone else than most of these women. Visas would be sponsored by his company. 

I have never even visited New York before. Intuitively I have known for a while already it is my city and I would be working in the USA at some point, but I’m not sure about anything anymore. I was curious to see how it all would happen but I never thought it would happen this quickly.

I sit with my feelings. I feel out of control, controlled by others and the circumstances and that makes me feel scared. Afraid to lose my independence, my power, and my freedom which is one of my highest values. I am afraid I am going to lose myself again. 

It has been happening to me in all my previous relationships and I have become a different person after committing to a relationship, slowly focusing on them rather than myself.

It’s been an automatic reaction and behavior, like internal coding in my that forces me to become a woman who focuses on nurturing their man, their health, their wellbeing. Even taking care of their emotions and issues. I had lost myself completely in my previous relationship and had promised I would never let that happen again. 

I now know I can’t be happy if I don’t feel free. 

We have known each other for only a year. Is there enough love to carry us through the challenging times we haven’t even encountered yet? 


Happy Thanksgiving!

Much love, Jenni

This chapter is one chapter of the first draft of the book that I wrote in Bali in 2014 with Mastin Kipp and 27 wonderful ladies, with one wonderful man, and amazing writing coaches. I am beyond grateful today to have had the courage to open up the book again and start working on it.

If you are ready to get unstuck and make your dreams and goals real consciously I’m launching a very limited-time Black Friday offer with my newsletter readers on 26/11 that you don’t want to miss! Sign up to get the emails below.

How I got here 1/2

It’s been a while since I have introduced myself.

I was born and raised in the forests of Eastern Finland.

I work as a transformational success coach, energy healer, and Rapid Transformational Therapist (hypnotherapist) for my own company Glad Unlimited.

I don't think titles do justice to our uniqueness and two people can't and don't do the same job in the same way.

I have developed my unique process and coaching methods over the years.

I have over 25 years of experience in the business of which 8 years is running my own company.

No, wait... My very first business was selling omelets to my family at the age of 9.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, so I took 2 years off and worked in 3 jobs; in the book store, sports store, and hamburger place… trying to figure out what to do “for the rest of my life”, what to study, who to become.

I felt alone with my decision and that it was a big thing to decide!

Secretly I wanted to study psychology, communication, philosophy but I just couldn’t force myself to focus and read so many books so I could apply to the university.

I never got the highest level of degree and it still bothers my ego sometimes, even I have proved I don’t need it to my happiness or to fulfill my professional ambitions.

When I was 21, I ended up studying information technology being one of the few girls in the department.

Throughout my studies, I supported myself by working part-time.

I had summer jobs teaching Finnish media moguls how to use email, as an IT admin, and after an exchange program in Holland, I worked in an IT company in London.

When I went back to Helsinki, the IT bubble had just blown up. No jobs, everyone panicked.

But I needed a job, it was my time to start living the “adult” life and make my living, so I decided to find it.

I managed to get my first “real” one in the cool mobile technology company Zed.

They laid off people as I was walking in. Therefore I was never officially introduced to my colleagues.

We developed the very first mobile business email solutions and products in the world.

I loved my Nokia Communicator and playing with all the new gadgets.

Once a nerd, always a nerd.

For my whole corporate career, over 13 years, I worked with mobile solutions, apps, mobile marketing, games, the internet...

I was developing and managing the range of mobile products & teams, sales, working for Nokia as a consultant, leading global projects for 64 countries.

I became the busy businesswoman who traveled for work. It was something I had dreamed of earlier.

After I transformed my career and followed my real calling, I felt sad as I first thought all this experience was wasted.

But no, all this experience helped me to understand my corporate clients where they come from and what they are dealing with.

It has helped me to build an online business- there are so many skills, knowledge & experiences that have helped me get here.

Mobile has been a big word for me.

It means movement. Flow. Freedom.

I’m a changemaker, change-lover, and an early adapter, naturally leaning towards the new.

For a long time I dreamt about freedom: feel free to be me, to express myself and my creativity, find my purpose and be able to manage my time, travel, and work from anywhere.

I have made this dream consciously true.

Since I was little I have felt I want and need to help others just because I can.

People always came to me for comfort, support, and advice.

I have a super-strong intuition and an ability to sense the energetics quickly.

This inner zoom lens helps me to see the big picture where my clients are fast, what they are going through and how they ended up there: one thing has led to another, what’s actually holding them back so we can release that and create new direction and vision.

But before I took the leap, I didn’t know how to change, create a new career or even build a business.

It's different when there's no one watching.

I faced a lot of resistance and fears.

Through my own obstacles, I needed to learn how to empower myself and transform from the inside out, create success and happiness meaningfully, from the heart, by cultivating the art of presence and my authentic essence, gifts.

This is why I started my coaching business first in Finland, then the next one in New York.

I'd also love to hear from you…

What's your success story? What do you want to accomplish?

Share with me below.

Much love, Jenni

If you know you need help to sort things out, find a new direction and stop standing in your own way so you can get clarity and results fast, book a Clarity consultation call here

How to make decision-making easy

My 2-year old is now a strong yes-no person.

Yes, it's the stage often called "terrible twos”, which is most terrible for us adults who can't handle their quick, wild and so unexpected emotional shifts.

I know how overwhelming it is for the parents when a rational approach or explanation doesn't work. 

Small children don't have logic. They only respond with their emotions, which are bigger than their bodies, and yet, they don't know why they feel that way.

This morning she put tried to put her new summer shoes on. I asked if she needed help. 

She didn't. 

She managed to get them somehow on but was not happy with the straps. Something didn't look or feel right to her (she is very much into details.)

She tried again but got even more frustrated as it didn't work the way she wanted. Then she outrageously asked for help. 

I tried to help but she refused to receive it with the loud NO. 

She cried and screamed out of frustration without able to decide what she really wanted. 

Something clearly didn't feel right. Yet she didn’t know WHAT would feel right.

Sounds familiar?

All we knew is that she absolutely loved the shoes. She made her choices from two good options and picked her favorite ones in the blink of an eye. 

This is how a 2-year old often feels. A bit like a teenager, remember?

Young children don't have any earlier life experiences, new things are coming up all the time and all they can do is to watch and learn, explore and try again. 

They make all their decisions, conclusions, and create their world views based on their emotions and what they have learned so far. They already have a belief system- and they have already learned from early on how others respond to their wants and needs. 

This is how our “conditioning” is being formed.  

Which is either helping us to make clear and confident decisions for ourselves, delegate things for others, know that we are worthy and deserving to get our desires (or not), rant about things forever when we lack clarity and feel insecure, or feel so guilty after we have missed an opportunity or have made a mistake...

The adults are often extremely indecisive, struggling with exactly the same emotions than the kids....

Did you know confidence and decision-making is a SKILL you can develop? 

How to make confident decisions that are right for you?

1. Trust your gut and original feeling.

-> Remind yourself of the first feeling and intuition that you first had.

2. Stop overthinking and analyzing.

-> When this happens, it's the resistant, rational mind that is taking over and trying to stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

3. Stop asking around what you should do. They don't really know, only you know.

-> If you ask from others, filter their personal beliefs, opinions, negative experiences out of it.

4. Make informed decisions.

->Gather information, ask questions and wait until you know, the feeling comes.

5. Ask yourself what are the consequences?
-> Ponder, if you will you be pleased with your decision 10 minutes, 10 months, or a few years later.

6. Don't try to force the answers or decisions. Go back to no. 1.

-> Forcing means your heart is not with the decision. If you are on deadline: set intention for the outcome and time when you need to know. Then take a break and don't think about it, but rather let it feel inside.

7. Take inspired action.

-> When the good feeling and energy are there - it's THE momentum that you want to follow through! I have never made wrong decisions when I do this.

I’d love to hear from you: How did you boost your courage, confidence and decision-making skills?

If you are at the crossroads, indecisive about your next steps on your business or career, I’d love to invite you to a complimentary Clarity coaching call where we connect and make a plan for the next steps. Book the call here

We have also got have got the confidence workshop updated and available online again

See all the details and get instant access to the workshops here

We are almost on the other side of this

How are you going to start your new normal?

There's been a lot of change, these past few weeks for us.

They have loosened the restrictions in Spain and first we finally, after two months of full lockdown (no going outside except to grocery stores or for necessities!) we got to go out with the kids for a short time in the day. Stella was quite okay, a little hesitant at first but I heard that some older children didn’t want to go out at all anymore. 

Then we got to go out to exercise and now we can meet 10 people at the time (for 1 hour) and some restaurants are open. We got our babysitter back for some a couple of days per week.

Social connections felt weird at first, like practicing again how to be with others physically after all those video calls...  The inside had become our new safety zone. 

Now we are slowly getting back to some sort of normal life but it takes a while, and there are still restrictions. 
There’s a lot to process.

It’s clear we are not going back to the same old, we have changed and the world has changed that’s for sure. 

I know I have changed.

The last few months were more challenging than I thought while going through it. Now I see how we all have been in that weird survival mode, almost fighting for our life and existence.

Now that it has become easier, I have found myself quite tired.

While my daily life didn’t change that much due to lockdown as I work from home and am used to wearing different hats throughout the day; be a mother, business owner, coach, and therapist, and a personal chef and a wife, while taking care of my own wellbeing as well as I could - it’s been A FULL CHAOTIC LIFE. 

I put a lot of efforts for staying emotionally and mentally balanced, using all the tools I have, sometimes multiple times per day, doing short self-care practices, journaling and exercise.

How we got through the 2 months complete lockdown

It was simply about making clear household rules with my husband. Deciding who takes care of the baby, worktimes, a meal plan, shared calendar, and making sure everyone stays sane.

We got to practice this tight togetherness a little bit already before the chaos started as my husband left his day job and we moved to Mallorca in February, so we were somehow settled already, only the place we lived was new.

During the lockdown it sometimes felt like I was living in another planet and there were just the three of us.  

Our temporary 2 bedroom apartment that we had rent for 6 months didn’t allow huge escapes, other than outdoor terraces. It was the agreed daily conversations that were and are still life saviors for us, keeping the connection and mutual understanding alive.

No matter what we have experienced in the last couple of months, it’s clear that we have loved it here. The island is gorgeous, lifestyle suits us and we are now looking for a new home for us to settle in. 

Personally for me when the lockdown started, it started a dive deep into new depths and go through a personal transformation, working through the old habits, and patterns that we suddenly so clear.

Most of it was related to work, the way of working, but affected in all other areas of life - a new level of self-worth and clarity emerged as I peeled the onion again. 

Inner work is not always easy but as I clearly saw it was offering me a needed change I went on. As I worked through it the clarity I got struck a huge amount of creativity in me and I birthed the free course for quarantine, and Thrive through The Crisis, Create a new foundation for the new you. I have written and studied a lot. Somehow I made time for it; when there’s the motivation the time and resources always show up.

I’m obsessed about my work but also working with myself, I just love love love to learn new, change and then being able to expand the next level.

During this transformation I have allowed myself to start to lean even deeper into my intuition and visions even more and use it more for making decisions. It’s the only truth we can trust in the time of uncertainty and worries this crisis has raised in us. The unknown future has always been there but now when the secure foundation was shaken in so many ways it, the future can feel like a scary black hole.


If you have been getting new insights and know that old ways won’t work anymore, I invite you in to check out the Thrive through the Crisis, Create a new foundation for the new you,  that I designed for this time of transition to new normal, so if you feel called and know it’s time to start creating new, this course will give you the strength, resilience, and confidence you need for it.

The course won’t be happening in this format anymore and now you get an incredible amount of value with my coaching and healing included so join us now…  



Do this to keep your New Year's resolutions

Have you made big promises, visions and life goals for the New Year?

I’m happy if you did! It’s a great way to make positive changes. 

You probably committed yourself to exercise more, save money, learn a new skill, land a new job and get the next step of your career going, manage your time or stress better, be healthier, change bad habits, improve relationships or you just want to become a better person...

In general, these things make us happier.

Unfortunately, it’s rare for people to keep their resolutions. Approximately 80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February.  

It’s painful to realize that what you are trying to do is not working. 

It can feel like you are standing in the way of your own happiness and success. Even strong willpower doesn’t work and it’s definitely not fun anymore.

here are the common reasons why people fail to accomplish their goals and resolutions:

  • they set too high and unrealistic expectations and goals (we can’t have everything at once and change faster than we are ready for).

  • they are not explicit about their desires and goals (the detail is needed).

  • they don’t plan how to make it happen.

  • they lack real motivation and commitment.

These reasons are very logical. But the real reason why people fail to accomplish their goals and resolutions is not based on logic. 

It's because your mind is wired to your old habits of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Your feelings and (often) unconscious patterns always beat the logic and willpower of your conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind rules your world 95%.   

That's what keeps you in your familiar comfort zone, no matter that it’s painful and you really, really want to move forward!

It’s your self-limiting beliefs that keep you repeating the old patterns and habits that are not making you happy any more.

There might even be a firm belief that you are not able to change or that you deserve the better, happier life. Or even worse, that you are not worthy of it.

This is the reason why diets, saving or making more money, personal development plans and exercise programs, and resolutions in general, won’t work. That is until you change your subconscious programming, i.e. your beliefs and thoughts, and get a clear vision of how you want to change and also connect deeply to how it will feel when you have reached your goal.

Successful resolutions and goals require: 

  1. A clear, detailed goal you commit yourself to.

  2. Facing and then changing your self-limiting beliefs and stories.

  3. Bringing light to your inner objections and patterns.

  4. Time.

  5. Consistency; don’t give up when you face obstacles.

  6. Using visualization (your imagination) to empower and motivate yourself to see your goal in your mind and believe it.

  7. Create a plan and take small steps towards your goal on a daily or weekly basis.

  8. Focus on doing and being present today; let go of the obsession with the outcome and know it’s happening.

By following these steps you will set yourself up for success.

To help you change your subconscious blocks and self-limiting stories you can download my free workbook here.

Leave a comment below telling me your thoughts on what has or hasn’t been working for you with your own resolutions!

Much love, Jenni


6-weeks to becoming a Conscious Creator Online program


The Art of Visualization: Start leading your life towards your big dreams and visions

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I'll have what she's having

Have you ever been in the situation that there is something you want and need so badly, but it's just not coming to you? 

When we don’t get what we want, it’s easy to look others and say:

"If I could just get what she's having, then I would be or feel..." 

and maybe even believe that her life is easier than yours!

This, for sure, creates more worry, frustration, and anxiety, especially when comparison makes us feel bad about ourselves and inadequate, while the others seem to be living the time of their life and making things happen so easily. 

Comparison kills clarity (and confidence)

Other people's successes easily lead us to the wrong direction. It’s easy to close the eyes from what does it require to get there.

It is a survivorship bias, and it's leading deeper into the hopelessness, as we see the other's successes only on the surface and have no idea what they have gone through to get there. 

It's like a self-help book that gives you guidance of how to do things perfectly right but still it doesn't make you taking action and do and experience it in practice.

There is an endless amount of guidance, inspiration, and self-help books that are showing the right path that takes us to desired goals but in the end, it leaves us so very lonely, as there is a gap in between the idea and the goal: what is wanted and how to get there.

I went through all this felt when I started coaching and working for myself. The change was huge after working for corporates for a long time and then suddenly, I was being responsible only for myself, living in total uncertainty and having no idea how to get forward from there. It was lonely and all my patterns and blocks alarmed and change resistance wanted to stop me. 

My main problem? I had no CLARITY OF what I was doing. 

I threw myself in the worst situation without thinking and planning. I didn't do the work and be specific of:

1) what I was aiming to do
2) how I would get there
3) what if it wouldn’t work out (considering the risks) 

And I focused on the outcome, not the path. Plus I'm multi-passionate and that can cause a lot of distractions if you are not extra clear where you want to go. 

I’m not talking about plan B’s or negative expectations but more likely being a bit more realistic and following up if my plans and things started developing to the right direction. 

People said it should be easy to build a business and income for myself, as I had been in business for over 12 years. Well, it is not that simple - I did completely different work and it changes things a lot when you work for others and when you work for yourself.   

I carried on I was determined and I trusted my inner voice and calling - aNd I had made my commitments.

When I started the second part of this life (that's how I call it), I had promised myself to do anything to find out if it would be possible to be happy every day (it is, no matter the challenges!).

And I wanted to live meaningful life more than let my limiting fears lead it and I was ready to get over never ending thresholds that everyone must face - whatever they do.

Books and self-study programs rarely solve the deep unconscious patterns and personal barriers that keep people standing in their own way and when this goes on for while, it makes them believe they are not good enough, talented enough or smart enough to do what they want as the change also resists itself. 

Too many give up when there are obstacles and inner resistance that feels like you would be are standing in your own way. It's easy to stop believing when it feels lonely and difficult when there is no one to give the right answers. 

Too many are attracted by golden shiny objects without remembering that we can choose our struggles but we can't avoid our struggles - no matter what we do for work.

Choose and be clear of what you are having

You know everything you need to know - it’s there even if you don’t recognize it now. The better you know yourself, your desires and your genius, the easier it is.

By the way, success and failure are not that far from each other: "When failure becomes invisible, the difference between failure and success may also become invisible." (you are not so

Now I want to hear from you: how has this been for you? How did you find your authentic success? What did you have to learn before it happened?

If you like this blog share with your friends! You can also join my newsletter here - when you SIGN UP you will get an ultimate confidence boosting transformational audio (which is so relaxing and helping you to get where you want to go). 


Are you repeating your parents' mistakes?

At the airport recently I was going to the gate alongside parents traveling with their two young boys. The elder boy was walking together with his parents, but the younger was peevish, staying behind and slowing everyone down.

He didn't want to go through security and therefore walked as slowly as possible to get his parents' attention.

Suddenly this five-year-old, who followed the rest of the family hugging his teddy bear, started crying out:

"You don't like me. Nobody likes me. You like Sam more than me."

Hearing him say this, sudden tears of compassion came to my eyes.

I understood so well how he felt.

The scene could have been lifted directly from my childhood, even the words he used were the same.

My cousin still teases me about the time when we visited her family. I woke everyone up during the night as I was crying out loud my 'nobody loves me' cry. No matter how much my mom comforted me, I had already formed a belief that I was not lovable at the age of four.

It was not my fault, nor was it my parents' fault. They didn’t know how to experience their feelings or how to teach me to experience mine. In the late 70’s and 80's, when I grew up, people were often not as emotionally or spiritually aware as we are today.

Also, there’s cultural patterns. I come from Finland and Finns are known as silent people who do not easily express any kind of emotion. Emotions were simply not talked about or expressed that much when I was a child.

They did their best, like most parents do.

There’s a reason why I’ve had to heal myself emotionally in this lifetime.

Sometimes, it only requires one sentence or one look, for the child to create a trauma; a harmful self-belief which can affect them for decades if it’s not released and changed.

In my case, I never really learned how to feel and deal with my emotions, fears, and feelings as a child.

I felt abandoned because I didn’t get the emotional response I needed from my parents.

As a little girl, I learned subconsciously that I needed to earn love.

I learned if I do a lot; become better; improve myself; and aim for perfection all the time, then I get approval. Then I am enough and I earn a reason to receive the love and approval I so craved. No one required me to do that. I did a lot of sports; was good at school; and had a full schedule when I was little. I thrived as a child, but as long as I can remember, I felt lonely.

Everyone thought I was ambitious and that’s why I was so hard on myself. They thought that was why I was so hard working and needed to constantly achieve something, to feel fulfilled. I never felt I’m “there” - nothing was enough.

Working hard, pleasing people and striving for perfection didn’t work out.

It didn’t wipe away the feelings of loneliness and fear of abandonment; or the fear that I don’t belong anywhere.

I repeated these cycles for decades, until I stepped on the path of self-love and approval and learned deep down the root cause of these feelings.

As an adult, my emotional wound - I’m not lovable as I am and love needs to be earned - made me work and push myself too much. It was so exhausting, I created unstable, abusive relationships, and I couldn’t really trust anyone enough; I still thought they would hurt or abandon me. All this made me create physical issues and self-sabotaging habits - it all comes from a confused mind and misleading beliefs.

Things have changed for me since and fortunately there’s a way for everyone to change these beliefs.

Emotional abandonment is one of the deepest wounds; and difficult to overcome.

We all have emotional wounds and so many of us believe we are not good enough to have and get what we really deserve and want - often very simple things.

We can repeat our family patterns from generation to generation until we put a stop to it. Any kind of suffering doesn't really run in a family - nor do most diseases.

It's not easy to change habits or behavior if you don't know what’s causing them or how to solve your issues at the root. But this self discovery is the only way to stop passing issues on to your kids; or repeating patterns in your own life.

That is your responsibility as a parent and you owe it to yourself too (same goes with relationships). If you repeatedly do something that you don't understand and don't like about yourself (maybe something your parents did to you) - there is a way to change it.

When working with clients, and on my own healing journey, I have found ways to heal and get over these painful patterns.

The tools I have found work best to help change habits are transformational hypnotherapy; energy healing work; and coaching.

Much love,


Achieve what you want with Coaching Therapy


My area of expertise is to work with people who have deep, often unconscious, patterns that are stopping them from getting the success they want and need. I help people to release these blockages so that they can accomplish their desires.

There might be a blockage or deep belief that is keeping you from success and sabotaging you from moving forward. It can be very frustrating, and even painful, creating all kind of physical and mental concerns. But your past, or issues, are not who you really are - you can become free from your limitations and start transforming your life.

We create our reality from deep beliefs that become thoughts and then actions, habits, and values and in the end - all this creates the reality that leads your life now, but also if nothing is changed, leads to the future:

When you change your beliefs and thoughts you will change your life.

You might be struggling with issues like stress, achieving goals, money, sleeping, low self-esteem, confidence, anxiety, continuous illnesses and accidents, relationships and bad habits, or lack of energy, addictions, phobias and ability to stay mindful and focused - just to mention some examples. We are all individuals having a unique background and special gifts and I can help you to stop suffering from your issues.

Maybe you have done everything you can, but you still haven’t been able to make the changes and get clarity what you really want and what's your place in this world. That can be painful, I know that from my own experience. 

I have formalized my coaching methods, and I use Marisa Peer’s phenomenal Rapid Transformation Therapy and hypnotherapy to helping you to quickly release what needs to go and then become free for creating the life and happiness you want and deserve.

I have created a unique practice that successfully helps people achieve their desires effectively with amazing results. Read more of my client experiences here.

How I work

I meet my clients locally in Manhattan and online via video calls:

One-time Transformation (2-hour) RTT session - depending on the issue it is possible to make long-lasting changes in just one session. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Coaching Therapy package (Three sessions) combination of transformation therapy and coaching that carries you further towards your goals. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Premium coaching commitments are available by application/referral only. I usually work with my clients privately for 6 months, and we go through a tailor-made process that helps you to make the changes you crave and develop yourself so that you can move towards your authentic desires and passions. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Mindfulness, meditation talks and workshops - Please contact with the form below for more information.dfasd

To book your session or for more information please contact me by filling up the form below:

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Warmly, Jenni

Are you sabotaging yourself?

Are you sabotaging yourself?

A few years ago I stepped out from my uncomfortable and unsatisfying comfort zone and business career. I was so excited and pretty much stunned: I was going to do my dream job and work for myself - life felt super good. But when I got out to total uncertainty, I freaked out.