
How to deepen your intuition so you can listen and follow your inner voice

Just before the holidays, I sat down to chat with Tori Quisling who is intuitive and psychic.

Tori has been a professional clairvoyant and teacher for the past 35 years. She has been featured as an expert on news shows such as the Today Show, CBS News, as well as the New York Daily News and the Huffington Post. She is the founder of the Center for Clairvoyant and Intuitive Development and author of the books, The Clairvoyant Practitioner: A Simple Guide to Developing Your Psychic Abilities and Calling in Your Baby: A Clairvoyant’s Guide to Manifesting Your Pregnancy.

Her background includes working as a teacher at the Berkeley Psychic Institute in California and teaching workshops at the NY Open Center. We dive into how you can deepen your ability to hear your inner voice and actually take action on it.

Tori is offering a bonus workshop in the Conscious Creator program where she will guide you deeper into your own abilities to recognize the voice of your intuition and separate it from your emotions and patterns of the mind. 

Watch the full interview here:

After you have listened let me know your thoughts! If you know anyone who would love this episode, please share online and with your friends! 

If you want to know more about Tori’s work and her programs, the best way to connect with her is here on her website. You can also find her on Facebook and Instagram.


How I got here 1/2

It’s been a while since I have introduced myself.

I was born and raised in the forests of Eastern Finland.

I work as a transformational success coach, energy healer, and Rapid Transformational Therapist (hypnotherapist) for my own company Glad Unlimited.

I don't think titles do justice to our uniqueness and two people can't and don't do the same job in the same way.

I have developed my unique process and coaching methods over the years.

I have over 25 years of experience in the business of which 8 years is running my own company.

No, wait... My very first business was selling omelets to my family at the age of 9.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, so I took 2 years off and worked in 3 jobs; in the book store, sports store, and hamburger place… trying to figure out what to do “for the rest of my life”, what to study, who to become.

I felt alone with my decision and that it was a big thing to decide!

Secretly I wanted to study psychology, communication, philosophy but I just couldn’t force myself to focus and read so many books so I could apply to the university.

I never got the highest level of degree and it still bothers my ego sometimes, even I have proved I don’t need it to my happiness or to fulfill my professional ambitions.

When I was 21, I ended up studying information technology being one of the few girls in the department.

Throughout my studies, I supported myself by working part-time.

I had summer jobs teaching Finnish media moguls how to use email, as an IT admin, and after an exchange program in Holland, I worked in an IT company in London.

When I went back to Helsinki, the IT bubble had just blown up. No jobs, everyone panicked.

But I needed a job, it was my time to start living the “adult” life and make my living, so I decided to find it.

I managed to get my first “real” one in the cool mobile technology company Zed.

They laid off people as I was walking in. Therefore I was never officially introduced to my colleagues.

We developed the very first mobile business email solutions and products in the world.

I loved my Nokia Communicator and playing with all the new gadgets.

Once a nerd, always a nerd.

For my whole corporate career, over 13 years, I worked with mobile solutions, apps, mobile marketing, games, the internet...

I was developing and managing the range of mobile products & teams, sales, working for Nokia as a consultant, leading global projects for 64 countries.

I became the busy businesswoman who traveled for work. It was something I had dreamed of earlier.

After I transformed my career and followed my real calling, I felt sad as I first thought all this experience was wasted.

But no, all this experience helped me to understand my corporate clients where they come from and what they are dealing with.

It has helped me to build an online business- there are so many skills, knowledge & experiences that have helped me get here.

Mobile has been a big word for me.

It means movement. Flow. Freedom.

I’m a changemaker, change-lover, and an early adapter, naturally leaning towards the new.

For a long time I dreamt about freedom: feel free to be me, to express myself and my creativity, find my purpose and be able to manage my time, travel, and work from anywhere.

I have made this dream consciously true.

Since I was little I have felt I want and need to help others just because I can.

People always came to me for comfort, support, and advice.

I have a super-strong intuition and an ability to sense the energetics quickly.

This inner zoom lens helps me to see the big picture where my clients are fast, what they are going through and how they ended up there: one thing has led to another, what’s actually holding them back so we can release that and create new direction and vision.

But before I took the leap, I didn’t know how to change, create a new career or even build a business.

It's different when there's no one watching.

I faced a lot of resistance and fears.

Through my own obstacles, I needed to learn how to empower myself and transform from the inside out, create success and happiness meaningfully, from the heart, by cultivating the art of presence and my authentic essence, gifts.

This is why I started my coaching business first in Finland, then the next one in New York.

I'd also love to hear from you…

What's your success story? What do you want to accomplish?

Share with me below.

Much love, Jenni

If you know you need help to sort things out, find a new direction and stop standing in your own way so you can get clarity and results fast, book a Clarity consultation call here

Create More time and Minimize Distractions with these 4 steps

If you are like me, it's hard for you to keep your hands off your phone when you get a message or when a new notification pops up.

I used to struggle with how easily I could slip down the social media rabbit hole. It would happen many times a day when I was just "quickly checking on something." And suddenly time went by.

It made me feel lousy that I was wasting so much time, plus I felt I didn’t have any control over myself! I was constantly late and behind schedule and that meant my days got longer as I tried to fit everything in. I was always wondering, where does all the time go?

When I tracked what was causing the distractions and how much time I was wasting online every day, I decided it was vital to set clear boundaries for myself (my mind actually), so I could keep my focus and get things done efficiently - and feel good about myself in the process.

It requires true willpower to stay away from the phone when it’s the alarm clock; social and business network; entertainment system; library; assistant; and office. And that really is what our mobile device represents to us nowadays.

It's difficult to resist because we are talking about something that is extremely addictive.

Mobile phones, email, and social media wire our brains in ways it's not accustomed to being wired.

We have started to believe that we need to be contactable and available at all times. Our brain has got so distracted and disturbed that we don’t actually know how to be present without doing anything but enjoying ourselves and paying attention to the life we are living.

I believe we are talking about a bigger problem than we yet even realize.

Many believe they are the only one suffering with certain issues, and that everyone else lives happy stress-free lives. That’s a social media bubble and it’s not true.  

It's so easy to grab your phone first in the morning. Then, before even waking up properly; without setting up the day; or even saying good morning to yourself or to anyone else, your rat race has started and your day is already being driven by the demands of your phone.

It will ruin your day if you open up a message that immediately activates your stress hormones.

This could be an email that you need to react to right away; something bad you see in the news; maybe you find out there’s a huge catastrophe at work; or you discover your ex has met someone new.

Whatever it is, it can immediately cause angst. Negative thoughts and emotions then quickly run out of your control and your day starts in the wrong mood!

All the wonderful communication possibilities mobile devices offer can make you feel like you can’t lead your life, or never even have enough time to live your days, peacefully.

This can be changed. You can either give your power away or choose to respect yourself; your priorities; the connection with your loved ones; and your well-being, by setting clear boundaries.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Switch off all unnecessary notifications and put your phone on silent when you need to focus. Leave your phone in another room if its presence haunts you on your desk.

  2. Create a morning routine and start your day by being present, focusing on your breathing for a while or with a short meditation.

  3. Create clarity around your schedule and set intentions for your days.

  4. Take breaks and recharge yourself, so your brain is not exhausted continuously. Do nothing for a couple of minutes in between all the “doing”.

The benefits are clear:

  • When there are no constant beeps and pop-ups, there won't be any temptation to react and respond to those notifications. You, therefore, won't be sucked into your inbox or into a social media hole for hours.  

  • You are more mindful of what happens and how you feel, and can then react and respond to events mindfully.

  • You will have more energy, clarity, and time.

  • Switching off your notifications is a fast and straightforward way to increase your productivity and your ability to stay calm and focused: you will feel happier as you are mastering your schedule and creating a better day for yourself - which is what we all want!

How valuable would that be for you?

Leave a comment letting me know how you manage distractions or what is causing problems for you. Ask questions! What rules have you set around your phone and internet usage and how well are those rules working for you?

To help you create successful, intentional days, you can download the printable daily page of my Clarity Planner.  

Love, Jenni

The Glad Show with Meg Berry on Self-love, Tantra and the Alchemy of Innocence

Meg Berry is a wellness professional, alt country singer-songwriter, and mother of three, Meg Berry, a.k.a. Tantra Cowgirl, is the owner of Artful Body studio in New Jersey and teaches classical Pilates, Tantra Core, MomCore and Tantra courses in person and online. She is the creator of Tantra Core, which combines the Tantric philosophy of wellness with the Pilates philosophy of fitness through movement and breathwork.

After healing her lifelong PTSD and body dysmorphia with Tantra, Meg was lit up with the desire to make Tantra and its effective healing accessible to everyone. She has the desire to make it accessible and effective to everyone seeking health and vitality - and Meg combines the Tantric philosophy of wellness through movement and breathwork.

On this episode we talk about:

  • Meg's story on how she was able to heal herself

  • What Tantra is really about

  • When you learn to breathe you ignite the healing and wellbeing

  • If you can feel it you can heal it

  • Beautiful Bliss Breathe meditation; meditation of senses (video below)

We had some issues with the Internet while recording this episode on Facebook Live, so we shoot the meditation on a separate video. Which actually works much better!

Watch the full interview here

The Alchemy of Innocence meditation:

Once you have watched or listened to the show, we would love to hear from you.

If you know anyone who would love this episode, please share online and with your friends! 


P.S. What topics or who would you like to see on The Glad Show? Comment below!

Alyson Noël: Don't believe what people say to you

Alyson Noël is the #1 New York Times bestselling, award-winning, author of 26 novels. With 9 New York Times bestsellers and over 8 million copies in print, her books have been translated into 36 languages and sold in over 200 countries. 

You may have read her novel series The Immortals, Riley Bloom, Soul Seekers or Beautiful Idols. Her Young Adult novel, Saving Zoë, is soon to be a major motion picture starring Vanessa Marano, and Laura Marano, with Jeffrey G. Hunt directing. 

I met Alyson three years ago in Bali where I started writing my first book. We sat down to discuss how she created an impressive, successful career by following her passions and building amazing success as an author.

In this episode Alyson shares:

  • How she became a full-time writer after working for multiple other jobs for a long time

  • How she, after working with her first book for 15 years, got it published

  • Her daily habits and pragmatic approach and guidance for aspiring writers

  • When is the right time to go after your dreams

  • Why failing and being rejected is important for your growth and success

  • What "you only need one yes" means

  • Why you need to take responsibility of your stories, gifts, and skills and make the effort to get them out to the world without believing what people say to you

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 


Once you have watched or listened to the show, we would love to hear from you.

What is your big dream? Do you have the story or an idea in your mind that doesn't leave you alone?

If you have something you want to put out into the world, share your idea in the comments below. Let us know how does your first baby step look like and when are you going to take it?

I guarantee magic happens, when you put the intention out there.

Like Duke Ellington said: "I don't need time, all I need is deadline."

Also, if you know anyone who would love this episode, please share with your friends! 


P.S. Here's two book wonderful book recommendations about creativity: Story by Robert Mckee and The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron - Enjoy!

Anne Vainio: happiness is an everyday practice

Why happiness requires everyday practice? 

In this intimate interview, I talk with Anne Vainio about her unique story. After drastic losses and facing serious health issues she started a journey to the self and shifted from self-ignorance and numbness to self-knowledge and awareness - and built a new foundation to her life. 


  • What does it really mean to connect with your true self.

  • Changing from achievement to consistency and alignment.

  • The essence of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clarity.

  • Why reinforcing happiness must be part of everyday routines.

  • Big dreams can be achieved with consistent, patient steps.

  • Clear future vision and intentions keep the passion and motivation high.

  • Have fun: Stop. Reset. Play.

We also hit the big question: Is it necessary to lose something important before we take it seriously and find the motivation to seek help and make the changes?

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 

The biggest lesson here is to learn how to listen and trust the inner voice and stop comparing ourselves with others.

To get connected with your authentic self again and creating clarity for the future, we basically went deep with these four questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What you want; what is that your deepest desire?

  • What is meaningful and fulfilling for you?

  • How to make it happen?


Stop. reset. play.

And have fun! Thank you so much for watching!

If you know anyone who could find it useful, please share with your friends!