
Conquer the Fears, Stresses, and Worries and Embrace Your Summer

Are you determined to make the most of your summer but finding it challenging due to anxiety, fear, and stress about your professional or financial situation- or some other obstacles? 

I understand how these things shadow your aspirations and self-belief, and I'm here to tell you that there's hope and a way forward! We are not the victims of our circumstances.

Yesterday we had our first Zoom in Summer Session, these free complimentary sessions are designed specifically for people who are seeking to reclaim their confidence and overcome stresses and trust the unknown future and themselves- no matter what their situation is!

We addressed the fears head-on, found some practical solutions, and created a mindset that breeds resilience.

Don't let the uncertainties hold you back... watch the first part of the Zoom in session from yesterday You'll discover valuable insights and strategies to turn your summer into a time of growth and success.

Join the next Zoom in Summer sessions and receive personal coaching and solutions in your unique situation. The next complimentary Zoom in session is happening next Friday.

In addition, if you feel you are ready for personal help:

I have reserved a limited number of spots for Integral Harmony hypnotherapy sessions, exclusively for women ready to break free from patterns, and take back control of worries and stresses that hinder their self-belief.

Whether you're dealing with blocks in your business or career, these transformative sessions help you tap into your inner strength and navigate the challenges ahead.

Sign up for your session now, and enjoy special savings if you secure your spot for July (only a few are available so be quick) or then in early September. 

Let this summer be a time of transformation and pleasure.

Embrace the opportunity to conquer the stresses, fears, unleash your creative potential, and thrive through the challenges.

With warm regards,


How I got here 1/2

It’s been a while since I have introduced myself.

I was born and raised in the forests of Eastern Finland.

I work as a transformational success coach, energy healer, and Rapid Transformational Therapist (hypnotherapist) for my own company Glad Unlimited.

I don't think titles do justice to our uniqueness and two people can't and don't do the same job in the same way.

I have developed my unique process and coaching methods over the years.

I have over 25 years of experience in the business of which 8 years is running my own company.

No, wait... My very first business was selling omelets to my family at the age of 9.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do after high school, so I took 2 years off and worked in 3 jobs; in the book store, sports store, and hamburger place… trying to figure out what to do “for the rest of my life”, what to study, who to become.

I felt alone with my decision and that it was a big thing to decide!

Secretly I wanted to study psychology, communication, philosophy but I just couldn’t force myself to focus and read so many books so I could apply to the university.

I never got the highest level of degree and it still bothers my ego sometimes, even I have proved I don’t need it to my happiness or to fulfill my professional ambitions.

When I was 21, I ended up studying information technology being one of the few girls in the department.

Throughout my studies, I supported myself by working part-time.

I had summer jobs teaching Finnish media moguls how to use email, as an IT admin, and after an exchange program in Holland, I worked in an IT company in London.

When I went back to Helsinki, the IT bubble had just blown up. No jobs, everyone panicked.

But I needed a job, it was my time to start living the “adult” life and make my living, so I decided to find it.

I managed to get my first “real” one in the cool mobile technology company Zed.

They laid off people as I was walking in. Therefore I was never officially introduced to my colleagues.

We developed the very first mobile business email solutions and products in the world.

I loved my Nokia Communicator and playing with all the new gadgets.

Once a nerd, always a nerd.

For my whole corporate career, over 13 years, I worked with mobile solutions, apps, mobile marketing, games, the internet...

I was developing and managing the range of mobile products & teams, sales, working for Nokia as a consultant, leading global projects for 64 countries.

I became the busy businesswoman who traveled for work. It was something I had dreamed of earlier.

After I transformed my career and followed my real calling, I felt sad as I first thought all this experience was wasted.

But no, all this experience helped me to understand my corporate clients where they come from and what they are dealing with.

It has helped me to build an online business- there are so many skills, knowledge & experiences that have helped me get here.

Mobile has been a big word for me.

It means movement. Flow. Freedom.

I’m a changemaker, change-lover, and an early adapter, naturally leaning towards the new.

For a long time I dreamt about freedom: feel free to be me, to express myself and my creativity, find my purpose and be able to manage my time, travel, and work from anywhere.

I have made this dream consciously true.

Since I was little I have felt I want and need to help others just because I can.

People always came to me for comfort, support, and advice.

I have a super-strong intuition and an ability to sense the energetics quickly.

This inner zoom lens helps me to see the big picture where my clients are fast, what they are going through and how they ended up there: one thing has led to another, what’s actually holding them back so we can release that and create new direction and vision.

But before I took the leap, I didn’t know how to change, create a new career or even build a business.

It's different when there's no one watching.

I faced a lot of resistance and fears.

Through my own obstacles, I needed to learn how to empower myself and transform from the inside out, create success and happiness meaningfully, from the heart, by cultivating the art of presence and my authentic essence, gifts.

This is why I started my coaching business first in Finland, then the next one in New York.

I'd also love to hear from you…

What's your success story? What do you want to accomplish?

Share with me below.

Much love, Jenni

If you know you need help to sort things out, find a new direction and stop standing in your own way so you can get clarity and results fast, book a Clarity consultation call here

How to make decision-making easy

My 2-year old is now a strong yes-no person.

Yes, it's the stage often called "terrible twos”, which is most terrible for us adults who can't handle their quick, wild and so unexpected emotional shifts.

I know how overwhelming it is for the parents when a rational approach or explanation doesn't work. 

Small children don't have logic. They only respond with their emotions, which are bigger than their bodies, and yet, they don't know why they feel that way.

This morning she put tried to put her new summer shoes on. I asked if she needed help. 

She didn't. 

She managed to get them somehow on but was not happy with the straps. Something didn't look or feel right to her (she is very much into details.)

She tried again but got even more frustrated as it didn't work the way she wanted. Then she outrageously asked for help. 

I tried to help but she refused to receive it with the loud NO. 

She cried and screamed out of frustration without able to decide what she really wanted. 

Something clearly didn't feel right. Yet she didn’t know WHAT would feel right.

Sounds familiar?

All we knew is that she absolutely loved the shoes. She made her choices from two good options and picked her favorite ones in the blink of an eye. 

This is how a 2-year old often feels. A bit like a teenager, remember?

Young children don't have any earlier life experiences, new things are coming up all the time and all they can do is to watch and learn, explore and try again. 

They make all their decisions, conclusions, and create their world views based on their emotions and what they have learned so far. They already have a belief system- and they have already learned from early on how others respond to their wants and needs. 

This is how our “conditioning” is being formed.  

Which is either helping us to make clear and confident decisions for ourselves, delegate things for others, know that we are worthy and deserving to get our desires (or not), rant about things forever when we lack clarity and feel insecure, or feel so guilty after we have missed an opportunity or have made a mistake...

The adults are often extremely indecisive, struggling with exactly the same emotions than the kids....

Did you know confidence and decision-making is a SKILL you can develop? 

How to make confident decisions that are right for you?

1. Trust your gut and original feeling.

-> Remind yourself of the first feeling and intuition that you first had.

2. Stop overthinking and analyzing.

-> When this happens, it's the resistant, rational mind that is taking over and trying to stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone.

3. Stop asking around what you should do. They don't really know, only you know.

-> If you ask from others, filter their personal beliefs, opinions, negative experiences out of it.

4. Make informed decisions.

->Gather information, ask questions and wait until you know, the feeling comes.

5. Ask yourself what are the consequences?
-> Ponder, if you will you be pleased with your decision 10 minutes, 10 months, or a few years later.

6. Don't try to force the answers or decisions. Go back to no. 1.

-> Forcing means your heart is not with the decision. If you are on deadline: set intention for the outcome and time when you need to know. Then take a break and don't think about it, but rather let it feel inside.

7. Take inspired action.

-> When the good feeling and energy are there - it's THE momentum that you want to follow through! I have never made wrong decisions when I do this.

I’d love to hear from you: How did you boost your courage, confidence and decision-making skills?

If you are at the crossroads, indecisive about your next steps on your business or career, I’d love to invite you to a complimentary Clarity coaching call where we connect and make a plan for the next steps. Book the call here

We have also got have got the confidence workshop updated and available online again

See all the details and get instant access to the workshops here

The Art of Protecting Your Energy and Celebrating Success.

Many of us are more sensitive to external energies than we think. Often women, who are natural nurturers, have a tendency and a habit to sense other people’s feelings and related energies automatically and unconsciously rush to “help” others with their own emotions. 

This is thought to be compassion and the way of helping others. In the end, it can leave you feeling so low and exhausted that you only think about what hit you. It can feel hard to carry through your days properly.

We can be compassionate and be there for others without giving a piece of ourselves to others, and they will benefit from it as well.

When I started working with people and my self-knowledge and consciousness grew, I started using the tools on how to set personal and energetic boundaries to protect my energy, and stop feeling drained. 

If you are a highly-sensitive empath like me or feel like you suck in other people’s emotions and energies easily, I want you to know there are ways and tools on how to not let that happen. I teach these tools to my clients. 

This kind of self-sabotaging habit is often inherited from earlier generations and our caretakers.
They are often showing up in the relationship dynamics, which often go hand to hand with success and abundance issues.

Through my own and my clients experiences the root cause for this is always related to receiving and self-worth issues. When those are cleared, all the good can flow in.

Also the one common belief women have is that they are afraid to be successful and step in their own power, even they want it.

It’s safe for you to feel what you are feeling. Also JOY, LOVE, and SUCCESS. 

What if… You can choose to not let anything or anyone bring you or your energy down right now, today? 

This is an outrageous and unheard idea for some people. During this strange year, it has become harder for some to feel joy without feeling guilty. But joy, happiness and success needs to be celebrated.

I have been working with a client on her habits and energy. Since working together she has experienced a transformation in her energy and she has started flourishing in every way, her creativity is peaking, relationships are getting better, new work projects show up... 

So when she said that she has had such an amazing week and for the first time she went the feelings of WHOLENESS she felt that she didn’t need the session that week and wanted to reschedule.

To which I gently said that now it’s time to celebrate it and use this new energy for expanding even more- to get her body used to it. 

It’s more than important to celebrate and feel the big and small successes in the body and help the nervous system re-wire with it (this is called neuroplasticity). It’s so much easier to focus on negative than embrace the positive, the good things! This is because the mind is so often wired with negative, and it’s a habit that is based on your beliefs and stories you tell yourself.

Celebrating however, helps to create a new long-lasting tendency on focusing positive good things - so the body can keep receiving, and not only giving. 

This is what embodying success really means and how we keep the good things up and flowing. For example, journaling about positive things is incredibly important and empowering, and expansive.

How to get started with managing your feelings and protecting your energy, so you feel good and safe to do what you need to do without allowing your emotions or fears take hold on you?

I wanted to share an easy, daily practice that you can use anywhere anytime: 

  1. Ask yourself if you are willing to feel better?  

  2. Allow yourself to feel the feelings, in your mind and your body, and breathe through them. Be with the feeling until it releases. It’s just a feeling.

  3. Talk to yourself in empowering ways. Say what you would like to and need to hear from someone else. You can also say “It’s safe for you to feel this xxxxx.”

  4. Changing your thoughts, changes your feelings.

  5. The point of power is in the present moment.

Try setting an intention to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and successes, when they happen. With all of the uncertainty in the world, it’s more important now than ever to protect your positive energies and focus on the positives that you can control in your life.

Unapologetically celebrate and enjoy your success, focus on the happiness you feel  and be present in that moment- recognise your authentic power, rippling positively into the world!

When you intentionally pay attention to your little and big wins, you will notice that positivity expands, your creativity will flourish, relationships will improve and everything will seem more aligned and clear. 

I would love to hear your thoughts, what has helped you to feel more centered and successful?

Much love, Jenni

The Glad Show with Ruby Mitchell on self-healing: How I overcame two incurable illnesses

On this episode of the Glad Show, Ruby Mitchell joins me to talk about talk self-healing. 

She is sharing her incredible personal journey how she was able to overcome C-PTSD (complex trauma disorder), brain cancer and a rare, incurable, disease that was repeatedly creating life-threatening tumors in her skull. 

When doctors couldn't help, and give up on her, Ruby was able to find her superpowers and confidence to keep looking until she met the people and methods that eventually helped her to find the root cause of the diseases, and then heal and recover fully.

Her story is an inspirational story about the trial and error, and how the healing path was revelead to her one step at the time when she didn’t give up -- even when she was expecting her second child and then had to make brave decisions based on her gut and intuition.

Ruby is a family trauma specialist, psychotherapist, and clinical hypnotherapist - and a real master of self-healing. She is a dedicated therapist empowering and supporting women on their healing journey and helps them to transform their mindset in order to transform their bodies and their lives.

Ruby and I discuss: 

  • How we have to take responsibility for our health and well-being as no one else can really do that for us but we have to insist healing

  • What was the root cause of her disease and what in the end worked for Ruby

  • Why we should never own our diseases and struggles

  • How we all the healing powers and how her husband (who is a soldier and not any kind of energy worker) helped her to heal

  • Amazing exercises that you can start practicing now:

    • How to reduce stress and let go of harmful negative feelings and energy from the body

    • Lift up energy quickly in the middle of the day

    • Connecting and supporting yourself and your inner child in a different way

This episode is a great watch for anyone who is interested in self-healing or struggles physical, mental, or emotional issues, and need hope and encouragement on their self-healing journey. Do not give up but get help and keep going, looking and trying out different kind of methods. Something will eventually work!

After you have watched the episode comment below and share your own healing story or ask any questions you might have!

You can contact Ruby on Facebook or by email at

Much love,

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