If you had the confidence to do what you truly desire,
what would become possible for you?

Do you doubt yourself a lot? 

Do you want to stop procrastinating, and feeling stuck but somehow it's just hard for you to take action? 

Would you like to feel things are easier and more fun to do?

That you feel good about yourself and make confident decisions?


If you are ready to start taking wildly courageous, confident action and accomplish your goals and desires, this hypnosis workshop will help you work with your emotions and rewire your mind so you can become your most confident self.


This workshop is for you if

  • It feels like you are blocking your way to expand your career, success, love, and abundance the way you want and need. 

  • You struggle with self-doubt, procrastination, fears or insecurities- indecisiveness

  • It feels your environment, your emotions or inner obstacles prevent you from doing, receiving, or accomplishing your goals and desires.

When you are struggling with self-confidence and self-esteem it can be difficult for you to expand your business or career, make more income, apply a new job, create or improve relationships or express your passions and creativity - follow your desires.

It shows up as it’s hard or impossible to take right action, get things done, make decisions, or put yourself out there.

It can feel daunting to speak up, express yourself, defend yourself, ask for what you need and be able to receive your highest good. You might be spending hours and hours for doing or trying to do something simple.

Struggling with procrastination is not fun. It’s painful as you know you can do better, feel better and have so much more.


  • Those feelings are normal and part of the process of when we want to expand and elevate to the next level.

  • These emotions won’t actually dissipate because they are natural part of all of us.

  • High achievers, the most talented and successful people you admire ALL have doubts and fears. Still, where they are NOW.

What they do different is that they have learned to get over the natural insecurities, release the emotional attachments with their past and work through their emotions when they show up.

So that they are- no matter what - able to move relentlessly forward. This is the key and this is what you will learn in this workshop.

Learn how to overcome the moments of self-doubt, indecisiveness and start taking inspired, efficient action. 


InCLUDED IN this workshop

  • You will be taken through a rapid transformational process that gives you clarity behind your issues

  • Become aware and release the past experiences and learned unconscious beliefs that are holding you stuck

  • Lovingly heal the connection with the self

  • Rewrite and empower the mind with the new confident beliefs

  • A downloadable audio that will boost your courage, self-worth and confidence

Boosting your confidence and courage is a key to successful, fulfilling life. 


Grounded Confidence workshop $47


About Jenni 

Jenni helps her clients get unstuck, know what they really want, create a clear vision and an action plan so they can reach their desires and move forward consistently and confidently. She is a Clarity Coach and Rapid Transformation Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Yoga Teacher, and a Reiki Master. Jenni’s intuition and her ability to see under the surface, the core of the issue, and show that to her clients is her unique gift and genius. She explains the complex spiritual and psychological concepts in modern, practical ways and help people change the past, their limiting beliefs and emotional patterns for freedom and confidence.


If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to email info@jenniglad.com.