Rapid Transformational Therapy

For a while I thought they canceled the New Year

What are you carrying with you into 2022?

I hope you have stayed healthy, sound, and have had a wonderful time over the holidays!

My holidays didn’t go as planned… all three of us got the new mutation of the coronavirus. 

First my partner, then my daughter. Everyone is doing well. I had symptoms for a week and I had four tests until I got the positive result, just before we were supposed to fly to Switzerland! 

For sure it was a huge disappointment.

But… I’ve grown quite resilient, adaptable and I’m able to see the positive purpose of any issue, so I get on the other side of any challenges or negative emotions fairly quickly.

By the way, I've turned these three strengths from my weaknesses but I still have to be aware of and maintain my personal and energetical boundaries around them.

So this holiday I have focused on resting, recovering and reflecting on the past year. 

Before I got properly sick I got everything ready for Christmas, and I was then able to let go of any requirements, shoulds, and took a break to indulge and eat a lot of food, watch movies, and play with my daughter without any rush.

Taking time off, always works magic. It takes a while to wind down. Like meditation without any intentions and patience, it gives access to deeper insights and knowledge.

I did the yearLY review, which was an insightful and helpful process, and an honest reality check, that helped me see clearly what worked and what didn’t work for me.

Staying stuck leads to frustration, resentment, wellbeing issues– if we don’t have clarity and inner awareness –we can get caught playing small, abandoning our real needs and what’s important for ut.

Without clarity, we can’t see our life, work, issues, or our capabilities, magic, and possibilities clearly.

It’s not always that easy to face the facts and the reality and put them on paper– it would be easier to avoid and hide in the rabbit hole, but if you want to get unstuck and you need to change your situation, it’s necessary.

What we don’t want always indicates what we do want and spending time with all that– what we want – only that leads to changes, courageous baby steps, and big leaps that are always rewarded with great results.

When we dare to follow our inner voice– choose ourselves – and authentic heart-based desires we move on and stay aligned with our truth. 

Which is nothing less than the ultimate force of happiness.

Going through 2021 (and even back to the previous challenging year) showed me that bigger changes need to be done but there were tons of good I also celebrated huge personal revelations and transformation and healing that opens new doors in 2022.

Here are 5 things that I take with me to the New Year (I’m feeling resistant to say these things out loud and I take it as a good sign as I stretch out of my comfort zone):

  • Value and appreciate my time, energy, needs, and efforts unapologetically

  • Accept what is and others as they are

  • Honor and express my boundaries without excuses, shame or guilt

  • Be my vulnerable, good enough, creative self

  • Give myself permission to want what I want & receive it

What about you…

What are you leaving behind?

Does it feel like you need to renew your dreams and desires and allow yourself to have and receive them?

If you need clarity on what you actually want and maybe you know you have to renew the old fainted dreams and goals, so you can rise into your power and fulfill your real and renewed potential and make those ideas real-- the Early Bird to Conscious Creator is closing today by midnight EST. 

Redesign your life and career, connect with your purpose and the big vision and next goals, create a new daily self-care routine, habits, let go of the money blocks and career and heal your inner glass ceilings. The price jumps from $444 to $1111. Sign up here

Much love, Jenni

Feeling angry?

If you’re dealing with anger issues you are not alone.

We don't really talk about it because... there's so much shame related to it.

I’ve been personally working with my own anger issues that surfaced up after I suddenly saw the people-pleasing, codependent habits I had.

I was working on myself with confidence and wrote in my journal about what confidence means to me. How does she looks like, behave like, feel like.

From there I got into independence and stopped there. I felt I had lost a part of myself, my identity- the one that I was a few years ago. I wanted her back.

At first it was really hard to accept the patterns and behaviors. I suddenly saw it everywhere. It was like a web that had affected me my whole life.

I researched and studied everything about it. I felt sad as I knew it was huge and challenging to start healing and change it.

I went to my old coping mechanisms of mine, numbing the feelings, bottling up the confusion, and therefore feeling depressed.

After a week of feeling miserable I was ready to accept it and see how these patterns had played a huge role in all areas of my life.

At work, money and all my relationships had repeated the same patterns. 

All that was copied from what happened to me and in my family as a child.

My role was to put on the happy face, avoid conflicts and tuck the uneasy emotions away. 

Rather please others, ignore my own emotions than feel abandoned, rejected. 

I realized how self-harming it was and how angry it made me when I ignored my needs and priorities so I started healing the patterns step by step.

Then underneath the sadness, the anger started rising. I thought I had done with it already but there was more. This was the anger I had hidden for a long time carefully. And it was not all even mine.

I was raised with strictness and had nothing much to say about what I wanted. I learned to hide my emotions and opinions as it was not safe and I felt wrong to have them. As my emotions didn’t matter, I started believing I didn’t matter.  

Eventually, underneath the anger, it was all about sadness like it often it.

I deeply craved to be seen, heard, and able to express herself freely without fear of punishment or emotional abandonment. Without the need to be perfect. Already as I child, I stopped letting it in as I felt it was not available and therefore I rejected myself, the young one in me who deeply needed my attention, my tenderness. It was the self-rejection that actually made me reject the good that was available to me.

This is how the subconscious keeps us safe and protected, thinking it’s the way to avoid the pain. Then it comes out as anger.

The results of this healing work

I feel more empowered and have clearer boundaries and abilities to express my needs and desires than ever before.

There are fewer negative voices, self-criticism, and judgment in my head is gone- people-pleasers are terribly judgmental towards themselves.

I express myself and my emotions easier. I’m more forgiving and so much more accepting and loving towards myself and others. 

It’s not always a straight easy line to reach our desires but this is what I wanted. 

Anger is an emotion as well as other emotions but when it’s explosive, uncontrollable, and constant the patterns and their roots that are often subconscious need healing. 

You are not born angry, one of your characteristics may be frustration like mine, but your critical, judgmental or explosive behaviors can be healed. 

We all have been shamed for expressing our anger and that’s not how we “should be.”

There are inherited cultural and patriarchal patterns (which is not about genders) and of course, the unique family patterns and dynamics add to it. 

The triggers are stored in the body. We can’t avoid letting these things in when we are young, but we can stop passing it forward. 

We don’t even notice how these affect us but wonder why we feel we can’t express ourselves and feel free to be ourselves but rather feel neglected, suffocated, and shut off, betraying ourselves and our truth again and again. 

Hiding, trying to unfeel it, shaming ourselves for feeling anger doesn’t make it go away. It just starts to eat us from the inside and leads to other issues.

It’s safe for you to feel angry, be angry, and learn to let it go healthily and safely with high self-respect. 

It’s safe for you to heal the root causes and stop carrying the anger that only hurts you, no one else really.

We often like to fight for the needs of young selves, trying to desperately get our needs fulfilled, get justice, trying to force or hope people around us or in our past would change or miracles would happen.

Hope that parents would suddenly apologize, or partners or people who have hurt us would suddenly change their behaviors and see us as we all uniquely want to be seen to feel loved, safe and successful.

  • Sometimes people change when we change and heal ourselves.

  • Sometimes they don’t. It’s not up to you to decide.

We’ll never get the childhood we would have needed and that requires acceptance and letting go of the anger we might feel for our caretakers.

The truth is others can’t fill the hole inside us, but we can do it for ourselves so we can then receive it from others.

Until the old wounds are healed we keep fighting and battling and blaming others for our issues, feelings.

Emotions are supposed to keep us safe and protected.

Anger is often related to rejection and abandonment wounds we have experienced earlier.

Then the subconscious patterns keep us repeating exactly the same in our life later on what we have witnessed or experienced in our childhood.

If you are dealing with a lot of anger or even rage there’s nothing wrong with you but there are wounds to heal.

Healing yourself is your responsibility and also, a possibility.

How to start releasing anger:

  1. Witnessing and accepting it's there.

  2. Sit with it. Journal about it. Voice-record your feelings. Allow insights to come. Who are you angry with?

  3. Breathe through it. Keep repeating it until it’s gone.

  4. Ask what the child inside you need. Give that to the child, they crave to be seen.

  5. What kind of action needs to be taken? What kind of boundaries do you need to set?

Do the work. That is often the hardest part but so worth it.

If you are ready to get more personal support I can help. Book a call here

The sessions help you to release the root causes and then you become free to change your habits, behaviors, and how you feel. When you change the relationships with yourself and then others change naturally.

If you like this blog let me know your thoughts in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you.

Much love,


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We are almost on the other side of this

How are you going to start your new normal?

There's been a lot of change, these past few weeks for us.

They have loosened the restrictions in Spain and first we finally, after two months of full lockdown (no going outside except to grocery stores or for necessities!) we got to go out with the kids for a short time in the day. Stella was quite okay, a little hesitant at first but I heard that some older children didn’t want to go out at all anymore. 

Then we got to go out to exercise and now we can meet 10 people at the time (for 1 hour) and some restaurants are open. We got our babysitter back for some a couple of days per week.

Social connections felt weird at first, like practicing again how to be with others physically after all those video calls...  The inside had become our new safety zone. 

Now we are slowly getting back to some sort of normal life but it takes a while, and there are still restrictions. 
There’s a lot to process.

It’s clear we are not going back to the same old, we have changed and the world has changed that’s for sure. 

I know I have changed.

The last few months were more challenging than I thought while going through it. Now I see how we all have been in that weird survival mode, almost fighting for our life and existence.

Now that it has become easier, I have found myself quite tired.

While my daily life didn’t change that much due to lockdown as I work from home and am used to wearing different hats throughout the day; be a mother, business owner, coach, and therapist, and a personal chef and a wife, while taking care of my own wellbeing as well as I could - it’s been A FULL CHAOTIC LIFE. 

I put a lot of efforts for staying emotionally and mentally balanced, using all the tools I have, sometimes multiple times per day, doing short self-care practices, journaling and exercise.

How we got through the 2 months complete lockdown

It was simply about making clear household rules with my husband. Deciding who takes care of the baby, worktimes, a meal plan, shared calendar, and making sure everyone stays sane.

We got to practice this tight togetherness a little bit already before the chaos started as my husband left his day job and we moved to Mallorca in February, so we were somehow settled already, only the place we lived was new.

During the lockdown it sometimes felt like I was living in another planet and there were just the three of us.  

Our temporary 2 bedroom apartment that we had rent for 6 months didn’t allow huge escapes, other than outdoor terraces. It was the agreed daily conversations that were and are still life saviors for us, keeping the connection and mutual understanding alive.

No matter what we have experienced in the last couple of months, it’s clear that we have loved it here. The island is gorgeous, lifestyle suits us and we are now looking for a new home for us to settle in. 

Personally for me when the lockdown started, it started a dive deep into new depths and go through a personal transformation, working through the old habits, and patterns that we suddenly so clear.

Most of it was related to work, the way of working, but affected in all other areas of life - a new level of self-worth and clarity emerged as I peeled the onion again. 

Inner work is not always easy but as I clearly saw it was offering me a needed change I went on. As I worked through it the clarity I got struck a huge amount of creativity in me and I birthed the free course for quarantine, and Thrive through The Crisis, Create a new foundation for the new you. I have written and studied a lot. Somehow I made time for it; when there’s the motivation the time and resources always show up.

I’m obsessed about my work but also working with myself, I just love love love to learn new, change and then being able to expand the next level.

During this transformation I have allowed myself to start to lean even deeper into my intuition and visions even more and use it more for making decisions. It’s the only truth we can trust in the time of uncertainty and worries this crisis has raised in us. The unknown future has always been there but now when the secure foundation was shaken in so many ways it, the future can feel like a scary black hole.


If you have been getting new insights and know that old ways won’t work anymore, I invite you in to check out the Thrive through the Crisis, Create a new foundation for the new you,  that I designed for this time of transition to new normal, so if you feel called and know it’s time to start creating new, this course will give you the strength, resilience, and confidence you need for it.

The course won’t be happening in this format anymore and now you get an incredible amount of value with my coaching and healing included so join us now…  



6 factors to manifest anything you want

To create a life of your desires you need to know what you really want.

The biggest obstacle to many people and why they feel stuck in their life and unable to change the old repetitive cycles, is because they miss the big picture. They don’t really know what kind of changes they want and what kind of future they are aiming to create.

Often they limit themselves because they don’t believe they are deserving and worthy of having what they want. They stay in victim mentality and believe the past will repeat itself automatically. These limiting beliefs and mindsets are blocking the way.

I know the feeling. For a long time I thought that we don’t have the power to change things and that events happen because they just happen; so I kept suffering. I gave the decision-making to other people and thought it was the universe’s call to decide for me.

I was afraid things would get worse, and so they did year by year.

Until I was ready to take responsibility and asked: what if it was me who created it all?

It was a profound thought and empowered me to start my personal happiness project, which led to me changing my life completely by learning how to be a conscious creator.

Setting clear visions and intentions for the future is crucial for anyone who wants to lead their life consciously and increase their happiness, success and wellbeing - on their own terms.

My approach to manifesting and creating life consciously is unique, as I don’t only use these principles for the big long-term visions and goals, but I also teach how to use them on a daily basis.

We are the creators and can shift our lives by making these 6 elements part of daily life.

Real happiness can only be experienced in the moments, and those moments set the foundation for your future. The better you feel about yourself, the faster you attract good things in your life.

6 Factors to Manifest Anything You Want

1. Stop acknowledging where you are at and what is going on in your life right now.

It was just recently when one of my lovely clients said: “I didn’t even realize how I actually don’t know myself anymore.” Busy life disconnects and if we have to stop often to see where we are at and check in if we are moving to right direction.

2. Get clear on what you don’t want.

I know it sounds counter-intuitive and someone could think it’s against the growth mindset and setting positive expectations and intentions that I always talk about. But this doesn’t mean staying in the negative or focusing on it. It’s actually a way to declutter the mind and throw out the bad stuff. Getting clear on what you don’t want helps you clarify what you actually want!

3. List what you do want.

Reversing the first list helps you get started and then it’s easier to allow more ideas to come! It’s easier to start if you focus on one area of life, i.e. relationships, career, money, health, or yourself. Go into detail. Have more than enough intentions, ideas, feelings and go above what your common sense believes you can have. Simply allow yourself to pour out everything you want. Focus only on fulfilling your desires by opening your mind to impossible desires and visions.

4. Clear your unconscious limiting beliefs, and emotional blocks.  

Remove the underlying, often unconscious thought patterns and habits that are blocking your way. These are simply what you have learned in your past based on your earlier experiences. Make peace with them. To change your reality consciously, and get what you want, you need to believe and feel that what you want is possible and available to you; this is needed to manifest your desires successfully. Work and release your beliefs, elevate your thinking and up level your old mindset so that you can align your mind and your feelings with your future visions. Become aware of your thoughts and feelings, and keep shifting them all the time.

5. Use your imagination, feelings and visualize.

Visualizing simply means that you imagine and feel your future desires and you connect with them deeply, as though you have already achieved them. See the end result in your mind’s eye; feel it with your feelings; and experience in your body and your mind that it has already happened. No need to focus on the hows, own your visions, and you will find a way. Magnetize your visions by doing a vision board - make them really clear to yourself. Visualize your desires daily! It brings a lot of energy, inspiration and joy, and helps you believe in your visions.

6. Focus on the now and take inspired action.

Let go of the idea and the outcome, detach from it: don’t become obsessed and needy about your desires. Surrender to it and open yourself to receiving. But, don’t just sit and wait for things to happen, you need to move things forward. This is something most people don’t realize. You need to take inspired, conscious action towards your desires and goals by thinking and then doing what you can do now and act when the new ideas show up. Then you have done what’s needed so act like you already have it and trust it’s all happening. Make your days as good and enjoyable as you can - even though things are not yet as you wish them to be, focus on seeing and embracing the good side of it.

These principles are the keys for manifesting, that work for anyone who wants to start leading their life and create their reality consciously - from day to day life to long-term visions.

One of the most powerful ways to start changing things in your life is to discover and connect with your real future visions and real desires.

You can start by downloading my free Discover Your Future Visions Visualization Meditation

Anne Vainio: happiness is an everyday practice

Why happiness requires everyday practice? 

In this intimate interview, I talk with Anne Vainio about her unique story. After drastic losses and facing serious health issues she started a journey to the self and shifted from self-ignorance and numbness to self-knowledge and awareness - and built a new foundation to her life. 


  • What does it really mean to connect with your true self.

  • Changing from achievement to consistency and alignment.

  • The essence of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual clarity.

  • Why reinforcing happiness must be part of everyday routines.

  • Big dreams can be achieved with consistent, patient steps.

  • Clear future vision and intentions keep the passion and motivation high.

  • Have fun: Stop. Reset. Play.

We also hit the big question: Is it necessary to lose something important before we take it seriously and find the motivation to seek help and make the changes?

Watch the video here

Or listen to the audio here: 

The biggest lesson here is to learn how to listen and trust the inner voice and stop comparing ourselves with others.

To get connected with your authentic self again and creating clarity for the future, we basically went deep with these four questions:

  • Who am I?

  • What you want; what is that your deepest desire?

  • What is meaningful and fulfilling for you?

  • How to make it happen?


Stop. reset. play.

And have fun! Thank you so much for watching!

If you know anyone who could find it useful, please share with your friends! 

What I learned on the saddest day of my life

Overwhelm, anxiety, and feeling drained is, unfortunately, a new norm. I hear that every day from my clients.

And I can relate.

In this vlog I'm talking about the realization that helped me to change the course of my life and gave me the power to take it towards what I really desired and was passionate about: to find my purpose and authentic happiness.   

I'm also talking about why it's crucial to connect with ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally, and how to release the old blockages that keep you stuck in your situation.

You'll get guidance of how to start creating intentional life and why intentions really make a difference for your future.

There is a way out of the constant struggling and set yourself free. 

Watch the video or listen to the audio below.

If you like this vlog share with your friends! 

Boost your confidence and self-esteem and download my ultimate confidence boosting transformational audio here.



Thank you for watching! 


Hypnotherapy - the way to make fast changes

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of relaxed focus, it is a natural state, which in hypnotherapy session is created intentionally by following the systematic methods. 

How does it feel like being in hypnosis?

There is nothing mystical or woo-woo related to hypnosis: you already know how it feels like. Each of us enters such a state at least twice a day - it’s the same pleasant, dreamlike state when you fall asleep and waking up, daydreaming or just being in a relaxed state, “zoned out” in your own world. This also happens when you are focused on doing something you enjoy or something monotonic or you reach the flow state: when you are running, driving, listening to the music, drawing, watching the horizon, the view or the waves on the beach.

Hypnosis is a state of concentration where you are totally present with yourself and open to messages about breaking habits or making changes that are limiting or threatening your health and wellness now.

As a long-time meditator, I see hypnosis as a technique that takes a person to the timeless state that most people, who are practicing meditation, are looking for: a heightened awareness and focus. 

What you need to know about hypnosis

  • You are in control at all times.

  • You are aware of what is happening and where you are.

  • You can only be encouraged to do what you want to do. Hypnosis works with your will, morals, and ethics - not against it.

  • While you are in hypnosis, you can talk and you will have a conversation with your therapist. 

Many people I have worked with have suspected they probably cannot be hypnotized but they have all been very suggestible. You can be taken into hypnosis easily, as long as you wish to.

What is hypnotherapy and why it works

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that is used to create subconscious change in a client in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, feelings or changing in other positive ways.

Hypnotherapy uses the power of the mind and impacts on it in hypnosis. It is a process that enables new patterns of behavior

Among its uses include motivation and confidence, pain control, infertility, birth, weight, insomnia, anxiety, depression, exams, addictions, public speaking, fears, phobias and sports psychology. All these conditions can create physical issues and RTT offers a solution to both physical and mental improvements.

Using hypnosis, you can become a non-smoker, reduce your weight, increase your confidence and self-esteem, beat phobias, pass exams, sleep like a baby, be healthy and fit, boost your motivation to achieve your goals, relax more, be calmer and present, reduce or stop drinking, enhance your performance at work and playing sports, heal quickly, give birth naturally, solve problems, have better relationships, and much more. 

It is both stimulating, effective, empowering and very relaxing. You will already leave the first session feeling empowered, transformed, energized and positive.

We can't really control what is happening in the future but we can affect it a lot, set the positive expectations for the future and hypnotherapy is certainly a way to release what is holding us stuck and keep us struggling now.

Rapid Transformation Therapy 

I studied personally with the world-renowned therapist, speaker, and best-selling author Marisa Peer. Her method, Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT) is a powerful therapeutic modality, which has been developed by Marisa over the past 30 years.

RTT goes beyond traditional hypnotherapy helping clients release the physical and mental issues usually only in 1-3 sessions. RTT embraces many of the positive aspects of hypnosis and hypnotherapy that are known to produce a transformative effect on clients: the use of trance, regression and hypnotic conditioning.

Among its uses include motivation and confidence, pain control, infertility, birth, weight, sugar, insomnia, anxiety, depression, exams, addictions, public speaking, fears, stressful situations, phobias and sports psychology.

All these conditions can create physical issues, and RTT offers a solution to both physical and mental improvements and targets the three ways the mind works:

  1. The mind does what you really think you want it to do: every habit of action is run by a habit of thought.

  2. The mind responses to pictures it creates based on the repeated words and thoughts.

  3. The mind is wired to be safe and wants to stay in familiar.

When the thoughts and the words are changed, the action and behavior changes in conscious and subconscious mind.

The possibilities are as limitless as your imagination!

If you want to feel happy and relaxed, hypnosis is offering a way to treat the causes of unwanted behavior, stress, and struggle. Once the cause is identified and dealt with, the behavior can change.

What to expect in the first session?

  1. I will explain what hypnosis is and the theory of the mind

  2. We will discuss the issue that you want to treat

  3. We will do the hypnosis

  4. You will get your personalized audio to listen at home

  5. We will book a time for a follow-up session


You must have a desire and dedication to be open for the changes you want to see in your life. You also understand that making long-lasting habitual and behavioral changes takes at about 21 days you will need to listen to your personalized audio for the next 3-4 weeks. When these three things are met, hypnotherapy has the highest success rate.

HOW you can work WITH ME

The initial session takes 2-hours, follow-up sessions are an hour long.

Coaching Therapy is a combination of transformation therapy and coaching is a one-six week long personalized program. This and all the other coaching commitments only via consultation calls as we want to make sure that you understand that there is work to be done outside of sessions.

The first online session including a follow-up call is $390

Follow-up session is $190

I meet most of my clients online via video calls, which gives me a possibility to work with people all around the world. I do have a private practice in Manhattan, New York.

BOOK YOUR FIRST APPOINTMENT OR TIME FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION VIA THE LINK BELOW. Or if you have any questions, just send us an email at info@jenniglad.com.

YOUR FREE 15-minute initial CONSULTATION: You can ask any questions that you might have and we will talk about your concern and how hypnosis can help you and what do you want to address and change. I will ask some questions to gain clarity and insight into your experience.