Achieve what you want with Coaching Therapy


My area of expertise is to work with people who have deep, often unconscious, patterns that are stopping them from getting the success they want and need. I help people to release these blockages so that they can accomplish their desires.

There might be a blockage or deep belief that is keeping you from success and sabotaging you from moving forward. It can be very frustrating, and even painful, creating all kind of physical and mental concerns. But your past, or issues, are not who you really are - you can become free from your limitations and start transforming your life.

We create our reality from deep beliefs that become thoughts and then actions, habits, and values and in the end - all this creates the reality that leads your life now, but also if nothing is changed, leads to the future:

When you change your beliefs and thoughts you will change your life.

You might be struggling with issues like stress, achieving goals, money, sleeping, low self-esteem, confidence, anxiety, continuous illnesses and accidents, relationships and bad habits, or lack of energy, addictions, phobias and ability to stay mindful and focused - just to mention some examples. We are all individuals having a unique background and special gifts and I can help you to stop suffering from your issues.

Maybe you have done everything you can, but you still haven’t been able to make the changes and get clarity what you really want and what's your place in this world. That can be painful, I know that from my own experience. 

I have formalized my coaching methods, and I use Marisa Peer’s phenomenal Rapid Transformation Therapy and hypnotherapy to helping you to quickly release what needs to go and then become free for creating the life and happiness you want and deserve.

I have created a unique practice that successfully helps people achieve their desires effectively with amazing results. Read more of my client experiences here.

How I work

I meet my clients locally in Manhattan and online via video calls:

One-time Transformation (2-hour) RTT session - depending on the issue it is possible to make long-lasting changes in just one session. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Coaching Therapy package (Three sessions) combination of transformation therapy and coaching that carries you further towards your goals. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Premium coaching commitments are available by application/referral only. I usually work with my clients privately for 6 months, and we go through a tailor-made process that helps you to make the changes you crave and develop yourself so that you can move towards your authentic desires and passions. Please contact with the form below for more information.

Mindfulness, meditation talks and workshops - Please contact with the form below for more information.dfasd

To book your session or for more information please contact me by filling up the form below:

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Warmly, Jenni