burnout recovery

From Burnout to Breakthrough: Emma Boardman's Inspiring Journey of Overcoming Exhaustion

Are you feeling drained, overwhelmed, and on the verge of burnout?

If yes you are not the only one now… and we've all been there.

But what if we told you there's a way out, a path to reclaiming your energy and finding a renewed sense of purpose?

Introducing our exclusive interview with the magnetic serial entrepreneur and creative soul Emma Boardman, a remarkable individual who has bravely shared their personal burnout journey and the transformative lessons they learned along the way. Emma is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for creating businesses that simply make people feel better.

Prepare to be captivated as Emma takes you through the depths of burnout and reveals the powerful strategies they utilized to emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

In this thought-provoking video and audio interview, Emma opens up about the signs and symptoms of burnout, sharing the struggles they faced and how it affected their personal and professional life.

Emma delves into the pivotal moment when they decided to make a change, offering practical tips and invaluable insights for anyone seeking a way out of the burnout cycle.

This isn't your typical success story or self-help guide. It's a raw and honest account of one person's battle with burnout and the triumph that followed.

Through vulnerability and authenticity, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences and discover the tools you need to break free from burnout's suffocating grip and start living your best life.

Head on to listen or watch this extraordinary interview—your chance to gain a fresh perspective, redefine your relationship with work and stress and balance, and embark on a journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

Tune in to our video or audio version now and let Emma guide you from burnout to breakthrough.


After you have watched this- let us know your thoughts in the comments below:

Can you relate to this? What kind of thoughts comes up for you about hustling culture?

Contact and follow Emma on the socials: Instagram and Linkedin.

More information on The Original Thinkers Club - www.theoriginalthinkers.club

Download the step-by-step life scan guide or watch a free webinar about burnout and emotional exhaustion, and learn the real reason to the root causes and helpful tools that you can bring into your days to build work-life-emotional balance and resilience.

I hope you found it helpful, Jenni

How to Go from Overwhelmed and Exhausted to Energized and Rested

Taking care of your well-being daily is an essential aspect of achieving holistic success so you can enjoy your life, work, and all your achievements fully.

I had a fascinating conversation with Elona Lopari in her Life School Masterclass Show that helps people align their inner purposeful success personally & professionally.

Head on to listen and get the daily tips that help you go from overwhelmed and overworked to energized and centered:

Apple podcast


After you have listened, come back to share your thoughts and takeaways in the comments below!

You can connect with Elona here:

Website: www.elonaloparicoaching.com

Join her Facebook Group Community

Follow Elona on Instagram

And… if you are a leader, expert or entrepreneur ready to redesign your life-work and have harmony, I can help.  The first step is to book a free 30-minute Clarity strategy call with me. We talk about your situation and what’s coming our way and how you can move on. You can ask any questions you might have.

Much love, Jenni

Prioritize work-life balance and well-being over everything: it's the foundation of your life, success and happiness

I used to spend my weekends from recovering the stressful overbusy workweek.

With my colleagues, we joked that we should measure each other's heart rates to see who had worked the hardest and had the busiest work week.

I often experienced arrhythmia on Fridays. I was barely in my thirties. 

On Saturdays, I woke up feeling groggy and exhausted, both mentally and physically. If I hadn’t a slight hangover from winding the week down with wine. 

On Sundays, I felt better but anticipated Mondays and the breathless busy work week again.

My friends knew I didn’t like Sundays. They didn’t know that it was because I felt depressed and so dull and low in energy on those days.

But I didn’t know any other way to work, to be, to live.

I didn’t even believe I could feel good, calm, and soothe my emotions and stress levels quickly. I couldn’t think of other ways to live because my mindset and beliefs were so limited.

I had started going to yoga a few years before. Breathing properly once a week and opening up my stiff, stressed-out body felt amazing.

I felt the shame of my stiffness, barely able to do poses, but did it anyway, even though I thought it’d take forever to get those steel-like muscles to melt. It was the best way to learn self-acceptance. 

After the class, I walked home slowly.

Feeling so balanced, calm, and happy, hoping the good feeling would stay a little longer. 

But it always vanished. Even years later.

My teacher tried to encourage me to start a meditation practice at home. 

I said I didn’t know how but mainly, it was more about not knowing how to be with myself, face my thoughts, and all of myself in the quietness.

It felt scary, too vulnerable, weird and uncomfortable.

Like I didn’t want to allow, myself to relax and feel good as I was. I was so used to being stressed out.

To help with the stress and melt the tension. I had great resistance to it. I said I don’t know how to do it right, but I was afraid to face my thoughts and feelings - me - and what would come up, how it would change me.  

A couple of years later, IT happened. 

Something I had anticipated and been afraid of: I dropped on the couch. I was completely burned out, struggling with insomnia and myself hard.

I realized the external would never change if I wouldn’t. I needed to take back control from all the over giving.  

Then I was ready to start breathing and take time for myself, prioritize myself and get to know who I really was. 

A couple of years later, I had a new exciting job and separated from a long-time relationship. I had all the time to work and decided to focus on my career; I was often the last one at the office, somehow thinking work needed me. 

With new social networks and hobbies, I kept myself distracted and busy without being able to see myself or feel my feelings. 

Soon I was suffering from insomnia and continuous respiratory infections.    

I knew I was not well, afraid that I would drop on the couch. 

It happened after a short work trip to Paris.   

I didn’t know what to do or who could help, but I knew I needed to do something. 

I didn’t have peers or trusted mentors or coaches who to turn to; coaching was not there yet. 

I just couldn’t talk about it at work.

The doctor was not able to help other than medically. I tried therapy. 

One said I needed to get better friends and I’d find new love soon. 

The other one said at the first appointment that I should think of my biological clock. I felt there was a time bomb inside of me. 

Conception was not exactly the first thing on my mind. Part of the burnout was the end of the 7-year relationship, which felt like a divorce.

I walked out of the room.

Feeling alone, helpless, and so misunderstood, unseen. I jumped in my car and felt my blood pressure was so high, my heart was racing. I was angry.

Some signs of burnout are:

Feeling abandoned and cynical, and often believing they have to take care of everything, they numb and sabotage unhealthy habits and substances because it’s an anxious and lonely place to be.   

So I sat on that couch and started listening to myself and learned to breathe properly also outside of the yoga room.

I thought of changing the job but realized it was not the solution; I’d still be working the same way. 

Also, I was still deciding whether to change everything in my life at once.

I dreamed about freedom and life beyond my ability to believe in it fully but it was not the time to take the leap. It was time to focus on my well-being and heal properly, focus on my relationship with myself and get to know who I was.

It helped me get my life force back, and a lot more.  

I wanted to keep what I had, my lifestyle, work, income, and give myself time to let the future unfold at its own pace. And it did, but not until three years later. 

I decided I’d find a way to heal and feel myself again. 

Are you with me?

Much love, Jenni

P.S. If you are ready to get rid of continuous exhaustion or recover from burnout patterns for good, and take back control of your work-life, here are some options:

1. Start by Signing up to get the Clarity Life Inventory Workbook

2. Book a 30-minute Clarity Call with me

Setting boundaries is the key to preventing burnout and exhaustion

The voice in your head says: I don’t want this anymore.

But you don’t listen, even if it doesn’t feel good or right, but you continue putting other people’s needs or work ahead of your own needs, priorities or well-being. 

Adding more things to your never-ending to-do list feels exhaustion, and all those demands terrify you. 

The overwhelm starts to drive you. It feels easier to push aside the negative feelings and try to keep up day by day.

It can be easier to blame life’s busyness, other people’s demands, or the job we don’t like than face the difficulties and how you feel. 

If any of this feels familiar, you are not alone.

I know how all this feels. In the end, it is not about the others or busyness, though and there’s a solution to how you can turn things around and create balance.

10 years ago, I faced a massive burnout.

After separating from a 7-year relationship that felt like a divorce, I decided to put my all into my career. I also created a wild social life, trying to take back the years of the lost youth and years that I had stayed in an unhappy relationship.

It didn’t feel right then, but I didn’t know what else to do or where to go. 

I had no idea how to connect with my cacophonic mind and deal with grief, shame, and betrayal.

So I just tried to numb it, avoid it all, and keep myself going and giving and hoping one day I would be rewarded for all that...

Within a year, things were spiraling down fast. I didn’t know I needed help; maybe because I didn’t know who to turn to, who could help.

I felt isolated and lonely even when there were people around me. I pushed close people away. I was sick all the time and struggled with insomnia and restlessness.

I had heard my inner voice whispering all night that I was exhausted from working late in the evenings  - every minute of my day was scheduled. But I didn’t know another way to be; my life felt empty and meaningless when I did- so I couldn’t stop myself. 

I was so exhausted and afraid I would drop from the tightrope.

one morning, I tried to leave for work after coming back from a short work trip to Paris in the middle of the night.

I couldn’t leave but collapsed on the couch, and the tears I had waited for a year finally came.

I decided it was not the day to drop and put the mask on and left to work, even though I felt shaken by what had happened.

It opened my eyes, and I started making the changes, prioritizing myself and setting boundaries as I realized I was in the lead, and if I didn’t have my well-being, I had nothing.

It took a long time to find ways to heal and keep the balance, but I learned to recognize when my stress levels were getting too high, I couldn’t take it anymore. My nervous system felt sensitized and reactive.

Getting to know yourself, your mind, your habits and your patterns is the key to balance, success and well-being, and your boundaries.

As a  multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur and an empath and intuitive, my energies are often high, and I need a lot of grounding and isolation. I am number 7 in Enneagram, Manifesting Generator in Human Design, and I have been diagnosed with ADHD.

My highest values are changed, love, freedom, and integrity, which lead to everything I do.

I’ve been a people pleaser and struggled with over-giver syndrome and perfectionism all my life. I know all the women in my family have suffered from this; I was raised into unhealthy attachments and have dived deep into healing intergenerational patterns from the body and unconscious mind.

It’s incredibly empowering to heal and learn to choose oneself.

When we change the inner messaging and become aware of our thoughts, behaviors and feelings, we can make the needed changes.

It’s the self-awareness that I have consciously grown and the boundaries that help me react and respond immediately when I notice the signs: the feelings, thought patterns and behaviors that are red flags for me and trying to pull me back to the past, old habits. 

I’ve learned nothing else matters more than prioritizing my well-being and health and making time for daily self-care, tools and strategies that help to recharge and create balance on the go.

The other day I was working with a client, and she asked So, HOW do I set the boundaries?

Here’s how you start setting long-lasting boundaries:

  • Start taking notes when you hear yourself saying, “I don’t want this”, “It’s too much”, and you continuously override your own will and desires and resist your well-being. 

  • When someone or something repeatedly makes you feel bad, guilty, critical or judgemental - then it’s time to set a boundary and practice expressing them confidently.

  • When you notice a pattern or behavior repeating in your life, instead of judging or criticizing yourself, sit down to work on it.

  • Take notes and recognize the triggers. Ask how you want to change it.

  • When a similar situation or feeling comes, slow down and take time to breathe and listen to yourself what would be right for you?

Knowing your boundaries means knowing when to say a brave yes or no.

You are the one you should please in the first place.  

Saying no actually leads to success. Having personal boundaries makes you feel good about yourself and standing in your power.

You have the power to stop the negative cycles and to heal the past wounds that have kept you repeating them. 

What kind of boundaries do you need? What kind of boundaries have been helpful for you?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Love Jenni x

P.S. If you are ready to stop trying to find and keep the balance with work-life and are struggling with overwhelm and exhaustion, I can help. Book your free Clarity call here to get started.