
How to energize yourelf when you feel drained

My 2-year old daughter had been waking multiple times per night for the last few nights. Actually even longer.

I’ve been okay with that; up during the nights and feeling energized during the days, until suddenly I was at my breaking point.

The lack of sleep starts eating us slowly and surely.

Already on Sunday, I needed to stay at home to take a nap when everyone else went to the beach. 

Yes, that was a severe FOMO moment, I hate anything or anyone over-controlling me, like even lack of sleep, and I felt sorry for myself that I couldn’t join my daughter and husband, as I really wanted to go. 

But… I needed to prioritize my well-being to get through the day.

It reminded me about my burnout and related insomnia from 12 years ago. My body still remembers well how awful that felt, and as I have said there’s no way I’m letting anything like that happen again. 

That’s why I love endlessly priest about healthy habits, how to maintain your energy, wellbeing from the inside out because all that is the source of everything and help others heal the roots for their issues, like I have done. 

It took a long time until I found the ways (worthiness) to make things easier for myself and find the shortcuts. 

Finding microwave potatoes from Spain is one of these shortcuts and helps to get dinner ready SO much faster (and they are better than the big muddy ones, tasting like new potatoes :)) I’m so proud of myself I’ve been able to let go of perfectionism in these little but remarkable ways! Allowing myself to make things as easy as I can is my mantra nowadays- with business and pleasure.  

So back to it… on Monday morning I woke up dead tired again. 

Lack of sleep makes anyone feel low, lacking energy, clarity, and creativity, and joy. 

The foggy brain, unclear thoughts, issues with the memory, never-ending sentences… yes, the tired brain disconnects us from our essence and brilliance. From the body and it’s hard to be present and our best selves when we are in survival mode. It’s easy to neglect healthy habits when you are just so tired and rather complain than do anything for it.  

Before I had a child I had no idea what kind of miracles working mothers were capable of. Now I know. 

You do amazing things! You should be so much prouder of yourself! You are creative, passionate, your mindset is better than many high-achievers, you get through anything!

After years of working with people and myself, I also know we CAN help ourselves feel energized and good even if it’s not possible for you to nap, sleep (or fall asleep) during the day because you work, and you have your passions.

When you feel good, good things can come, you get the results. Putting in the effort from the place of negative energy is a waste of time.

I also know many exhausted high-achieving women and mothers who tend to put in more effort, do one more thing, juggle even more balls in the air and escape their feelings, facing the reality and allowing themselves to get the rest of their need because they feel they will miss something out. But also because deep down they don’t feel enough and worthy to do that- they give a lot but don’t really know how to receive the same.

I was so tired on Monday morning I didn’t remember later in the day if I had even showered (I did).

What I did help me to start my day again so I forgot the morning totally, which was the turning point for me and I got myself energized for the work and the calls with my clients in the afternoon. I don’t like to cancel but as a coach, I need to show up as my best self. 

Before we can show up for anyone else, even for our kids, we have to show up for ourselves, and that’s the key here.  

Tips on how to raise your energy after a sleepless night or when you are feeling drained and you have to work and take care of your responsibilities:

  1. If you wake up dead tired, don’t fuel yourself up with coffee but sleep more if you can. Just go back to bed and rest. 

  2. Feel your feelings, lie in bed, and breathe to release all tension and negativity out. 

  3. Journal about everything that’s going on. It’s okay to vent and struggle. Let it out.

  4. Give yourself permission to have an off day. 

  5. Focus on easy, simple tasks that don't require a lot from you.  

  6. Minimize all events that are not obligatory on that day including work & personal life.

  7. Say no to everything you can. 

  8. Don’t make any big decisions. 

  9. Ask for help, from your partner, a friend. Say that you are struggling. 

  10. Order in, make a really simple dinner, or ask someone else to cook.

  11. Think about the issues that cause the problem and ideas on how to fix the situation. Do you need to find information on something? Can you get help with that? Is there a boundary that you need to set for yourself or others? Change a habit if it’s somehow you who keeps you up? 

  12. Go to bed early. Check your sleep habits, no screens, no substances, set those rules for yourself.

For those who are saying they don’t have time for this, you can make the time. Sit in the car for while by doing nothing, connect within, with your heart and your body. Being present, closing your eyes, and resting even you are not sleeping is helpful. You can scribble things down to any piece of paper.

If exhaustion or lack of sleep is starting to affect your performance and how you feel constantly, get help and figure out where is that coming from and change that.

When you have been operating on the high-striving mode it takes a while for your system to calm down. Repeat these little practices often, daily. Prioritize you and you will be rewarded, with results, happiness- wellbeing. You matter and your health matters.

What are the old ways that don't work for you anymore? What ways work for you?

Would love to hear from you!

Much love, Jenni

P.S. The doors to the Energetic Business Breakthrough are closing on May 7th! If you feel stuck with your business, habits, or career and have challenges in receiving your highest good, your goals and desires Sign up here

P.S.S. If you struggle with insomnia or stress, finding time, energy- balancing the work and life and it’s hard for making things work for you, I can help. You can get started by applying to book a complimentary Clarity call with me.


Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash