
Hello, welcome.


There must be a reason you stopped by, probably there’s something common we share...

Maybe you too want to live your life with less stress and feel more joy?  Maybe you want to be successful and build a life you really love and like - in your own personal way?

Or maybe you are just curious and exploring, which is always a good reason. 

When people ask me what I do for a living, I often tell them...

I help my clients become happier and get what they desire.

What it really means...

I help people make the changes they crave, find who they truly are and what they really want. I help them to remove the inner barriers: release those old blockages, which are often so unconscious, creating the patterns, habits, and thoughts that keep them stuck. My expertise is to help people heal their old wounds so that they can move forward and accomplish their visions - get the success they want and need.

And what I really, really want to say is

Every day I meet people who sacrifice their own happiness and satisfy to live their life or do the work, they don’t truly like. Quite often they suffer from disorders like continuous stress, unhealthy habits, addictions, financial problems, achieving goals, weight, continuous illnesses, bad relationships, lack of energy… Physical or mental issues. Many people are just doing what they think they should do and can't make the changes they crave - no matter they have all kind of things, they don't know how to move forward and feel they are standing in the way of their own happiness. 

It’s hard to get there if you don’t know where you are going.

“When I finish this project, change the job or relationship, get the raise, or when the kids have grown up - then - I will start to live the life I want,” is what I often hear. Frankly,  then rarely comes automatically. Happy ends, big dreams, and life journeys require effort, focus, and positive expectations. It’s a lot easier to do changes when you are not forced to do it, going through a big life tragedy or having a serious illness. Please don’t satisfy less than you deserve! 

Life is short, and in the end, it is very simple: let’s not waste it.



Why is this so important to me?

Because I have been there myself; I have lived unconsciously, suffered and finally I lost my tracks. I know all about that cacophony. 

Hi - I am Jenni. Glad is my real name and I laugh a lot - joy is the purest way to cultivate the art of presence.

I am a certified rapid transformation therapist, hypnotherapist, and a life coach. So I specialize in transformations, from inside out, which is the only way to do long lasting changes. I’m a writer working on two book projects. I'm a yoga teacher too. I like to call myself changemaker, as I am constantly on the move, love change and I help my clients to make those changes they can't do on their own.

I grew up in the forests of Eastern Finland, lived half of my life in Helsinki and became a globetrotter in the meanwhile. I’ve been traveling all around the world and now I'm living in New York City with my dear husband.


I used to work for big international corporates being a busy business and IT woman. I managed global projects and created new kind of digital services for over 12 years. Even though I had got what I vaguely had desired, I slowly became unhappy. My work didn’t feel meaningful enough, I felt I am making money for the money and I wanted to make a difference in the world. The roar inside me got really loud and I craved for change; I was looking my true calling, peace, and balance. And love, in its real universal meaning.

I had to go through a lot, serious lessons about life and death until at my rock bottom I realized  I was responsible for my life and happiness. It was liberating for me to understand I could take healthy control of my path and that would be the key to my freedom. To make it happen, I needed to burn my boats. Read the story here.

I have since formalized my methods and created a practice to help others achieve their desires and balance effectively. 

I work with people who are willing to make changes, lead their life and are ready to do the work and move forward. If you feel you could do a lot more than you do now,  I can probably help you. To learn how I work check out Work with me or send me a message for more information. 

Thanks for stopping by!

With love,
