
How to practice gratitude & boost happiness, health, and abundance

This is a habit you  w a n t  to bring into your life. Practicing gratitude, a.k.a paying attention to the good things in your life on daily basis, uplifts your mood and gives clarity in just a few minutes.

In the long run, it is an effective practice and a crucial tool helping to manifest your desires and visions. Practicing gratitude keeps you going towards your goals and mindful in the moments, while you get priceless recognition and acknowledge of your own efforts every day. It's like you are giving yourself short-term rewards that we all need to hear.

Watch the video and learn more about it and why it is worth it:

How to start practicing

List ten things that you can be grateful for: the events that make you happy or make you smile. Use simple short sentences about things, encounters, your experiences or feelings— whatever details you recall from that day.

  1. Write it down in your notebook, peace of paper or your phone app. You can say it out loud (great to practice in the car while driving).

  2. Choose a method what works best for you or use all of them. Listing things in your mind may work but usually, the mind sidetracks by other thoughts.

  3. Feel every word in your gut and be honest. If you want to emphasize it a little bit more, add why you feel that way (recommended).

What happens when you start practicing gratitude:

  • You stop to see, feel and learn to recognize your positive emotions. 

  • You learn to notice the small meaningful things that make you happy (and are the 

  • You consciously change your mindset to positive.

  • You bring yourself to the present moment and grow your awareness.

  • You show effort as you take action.

  • You attract more goodness into your life.

  • You stop taking things for granted.

  • You respect life in a new way.

Starting a new practice can feel time-consuming at first, like starting a meditation practice or a new hobby but it will soon become easier, as you will soon you will start noticing the positive outcomes of this practice.

I usually do my gratitude practice in the evening, if not during the day when in need of extra energy - it is one of the mindful living tools, and it offers you a moment to take a breath. I track my day backward and pay attention to the tiniest details, what I saw or what happened during the day and how I felt.

Do you practice gratitude? How has it changed your life? Let me know your experience in the comments below.

