Do you often overthink and overanalyze your behavior, what you could have done “right“ or differently in the past? 

Do you struggle with resentment, and regrets?

Is it hard for you to forgive yourself and others?

Would you like to be more accepting, loving and carefree?

If you don’t constantly punish yourself for your behavior or mistakes with guilt what would be possible for you- how would you feel?

“I realized how unsafe I have felt for so, so long, trying desperately to earn love and acceptance externally without being able to give that to myself. Acting against my values made me feel guilty and impostor.” -Chris

This workshop is for you if You…

  • …feel like you are often betraying yourself, acting against your own will and values this workshop is helping you to change these habits.

  • …are ready to stop carrying all the guilt, impostor feelings, resentment, and regrets from the past that for sure make you angry and frustrated - this hypnosis workshop will help you overcome guilt.

  • …want to learn how these emotions are formed, where they come from, and understand personally what was your “need” to start bagging guilt and related emotions.

  • …feel you always go back to your "old self" after you have done some changes, and well for a while. It’s can be disappointing but there’s a reason for it; read on.

  • …believe guilt should not be part of parenthood!

Usually, we are ready to change and do the inner work when we flow over our limits to tolerate our feelings and when our behavior is negatively affecting our personal or professional life. Or both.

Guilt has a lot of shame related to it- like we should not be that way! Often our first reaction is to try to push it away, stop those berating thoughts running, or try to control ourselves or others somehow- numbing it, ignoring it, or with some soothing mechanisms, substances, or addictions. This only adds the self-blame. When are dealing with guilt we become critical and judgmental towards others- only because we feel that internally.

Guilt is a learned habit, thought pattern that you developed at some point in life to sabotage and punish yourself for not doing things correctly, being the right kind of person, or knowing you are enough as you are. Maybe you have a tendency to try to be perfect and it’s hard for you to get over mistakes or failures?

Maybe you have tried to change this but it’s hard to do it consciously. There is nothing wrong with you. Our willpower can’t override your powerful brilliant subconscious mind that rules our reality 90% of the time. In a guided, meditative hypnotic state this becomes possible. You learn more about this inside the workshop.

Are ready to feel relieved mentally, emotionally, and physically? More accepting, forgiving, and resilient- enough and lovable as you are?

“I’ve never felt such emotional and physical relief as did after this workshop. I can’t thank you enough.”
— Happy Client Anne

InCLUDED IN the workshop

  • Jenni's talking about the "anatomy" of guilt and related emotions

  • Why healing at the subconscious level and forgiveness are important and needed to overcome guilt for good

  • What's needed for overcoming and letting go of guilt - tips, practices, guidance

  • Hypnotic healing journey to overcome guilt and release your personal root causes gently

  • Lovingly forgive and heal the connection with the self

  • Rewrite and empower the mind with the new self-empowering beliefs

  • Energy Healing Process meditation

  • Higher awareness and self-compassion

  • Exercises, daily tips on how to stay connected and continue the work

  • Downloadable guilt-healing meditation audio that will boost your courage, self-worth and confidence


This workshop helps you make a real transformation, become more aware, and release the emotional and mental root causes and thought patterns.  

sign up for $47


About Jenni 

Jenni helps her clients get unstuck, know what they really want, create a clear vision and an action plan so they can reach their desires and move forward consistently and confidently. She is a Transformational Business and Life Coach and Rapid Transformational Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Reiki Master. Jenni’s intuition and her ability to see under the surface, the core of the issue, and show that to her clients is her unique gift and genius. She explains the complex spiritual and psychological concepts in modern, practical ways and helps people change the past, their limiting beliefs, and emotional patterns for freedom and confidence.


If you have any questions about this workshop, feel free to email