As you have landed here you might be feeling one or many of these:

  • Battling with burnout symptoms, or constant emotional exhaustion that might be affecting you, or your loved ones.

  • There are some behavioral or emotional habits you can’t change no matter what you try.

  • Perhaps you are unable to say what you want next professionally or personally but you know there’s a lot more life you could do and experience in your life.

  • You want inner peace: feel calm, have more joy and balance.

  • Despite achieving massive success as a leader you still feel unfulfilled and not able to enjoy it.

If any of this sounds a bit like where you are right now, you are in the right place.

You can either keep diving deep into this page and read the blog, or dowload some helpful resources. If you are ready to dive deeper, book a free consultation call or first initial session with me.


Meet your new coach and mentor Jenni Glad

I work with visionary, purpose-driven leaders and entrepreneurs who want to fulfill their potential and break through their inner barriers to enjoy their accomplishments in all areas of life.

If you are ready to say goodbye to overwhelm, never-ending exhaustion, constant overgiving, over-working and heal your nervous system and emotions… welcome more joy, well-being, clarity and sustainable success, I can help.

I combine transformational coaching, hypnotherapy and other proven methods that I have developed over the 10 years when I’ve been working in personal development. This work gives quick and decisive results and helps you achieve your goals and desires while having work and life harmony.

Here’s more about how I got in here


Anne’s Testimonial

“The outcome of working with Jenni- this experience was out of this world positive - it felt like a breakthrough to feeling and being conscious of feeling and not being afraid of feeling or of experiencing a powerful emotional state.
I was able to shed the fears that have prevented me from having a full emotional life and to step into a state of self-acceptance and even comfort in feeling.
So powerful. And weeks (a month probably) later, the aftermath of it continues.
My self-confidence is through the roof. My self-acceptance of whatever emotions and needs I have is all at once brand new and as comfortable and connected as an old pair of shoes. I feel like a radically changed and consolidated person… like somehow everything that’s been jangling around inside me like lost and broken parts got connected up. “
— Anne, New York